Now let me first say there are Moslems living in this country who are peaceful. They grew up in a fairly tolerant society where the desire for peace was part of the culture and can in no way be compared to militants in the Middle East. They deserve our friendship and our support and THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE NOT GETTING. Behind the wave of immigration from that region there are those who come as part of the Moslem Faith to destroy Europe as it is and turn it into a Moslem Caliphate. This is clear from my former post concerning the Regents Park Mosque which claims to be moderate to those outside but is hardly so inside. Yet you could show that video in the House of Commons and it would perhaps confuse but it would be so challenging to the minds of MP's who profess tolerance to the point of madness that nothing would change.
So what is happening to those ordinary peaceful Moslems? Islam as taught by Saudi Arabia with all its murderous intents on converts, homosexuals, sex slavery, etc is spreading in the Mosques throughout Europe thanks to the money being poured in by the Saudis. Even in the Catholic Church there is the curse of 'showing tolerance' rather than 'common sense' and a refusal to face the Devil's Disciples, for that is surely what they are. Moderate Moslems are being crushed by this undercover revolution and the Pope, rather than showing knowledge or leadership, is behaving like Neville Chamberlain because Neville had a talk with HItler promising peace, Francis had a talk with a prominent Imam. We should all breathe easy now. What nonsense! What we must do is pray to 0ur Mother Mary, and to pray to St Michael the Archangel to defend us agains the wickedness and snares of the Devil. We must recite often the Rosary and the Prayer to St Michael and also not be afraid to be laughed at for warning of the danger to our children and our chidrens' children.
So what is happening to those ordinary peaceful Moslems? Islam as taught by Saudi Arabia with all its murderous intents on converts, homosexuals, sex slavery, etc is spreading in the Mosques throughout Europe thanks to the money being poured in by the Saudis. Even in the Catholic Church there is the curse of 'showing tolerance' rather than 'common sense' and a refusal to face the Devil's Disciples, for that is surely what they are. Moderate Moslems are being crushed by this undercover revolution and the Pope, rather than showing knowledge or leadership, is behaving like Neville Chamberlain because Neville had a talk with HItler promising peace, Francis had a talk with a prominent Imam. We should all breathe easy now. What nonsense! What we must do is pray to 0ur Mother Mary, and to pray to St Michael the Archangel to defend us agains the wickedness and snares of the Devil. We must recite often the Rosary and the Prayer to St Michael and also not be afraid to be laughed at for warning of the danger to our children and our chidrens' children.
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