Our Lady and the Rosary
In so many apparitions Our Lady has appeared with Rosary Beads. She want us to say the Rosary and Catholics who love her and love the Church and know why she is asking do so. So was it not a little odd that when the Reformers bullied their way through the Church in the 60's and 70's they despised such devotions. It was obvious too that they despised Our Lady also as they rid themselves of her statues. Apparently Our Lady was immature in spreading such devotions. The trips to Lourdes continues in many Dioceses since it was just too hard to stop them. They could pick and choose their catechists in the parishes who would swallow all their lies, but the sick were still being brought to Lourdes that was difficult so every year the bishop would continue their diocesan pilgrimages, taking their rosary out of the drawer before departure and putting them back on their return. Of course we do have bishops who remained faithful to Jesus and Mary but the kind of Bishop who despised Mary were also those who decided that the Tabernacle was in the wrong place and moved the presence of God Made Man away from the Congregation into some corner. It was even said that the Community was 'the Body of Christ'. Yes, we are the mystical Body but not the living Body. But why explain that to gullible Catholics. This actually fulfilled an ancient prophecy that 'those who despise the Mother would end up despising the Son'
"Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world" said Pope Pius IX
Certainly it is a very powerful prayer. When in the 16th Century the Moslems brought a fleet of 17,000 ships to land in Spain and go on to conquer Europe they were opposed by comparativelyt infinitesimal number of Christian ships. These were ships that moved with oars and the Moslems had Christian slaves rowing for them. But the Pope started a Rosary Crusade and people turned to Mary. When it looked inevitable that the Moslems would triumph with the wind behind them that wind miraculously changed and was behind the Christian ships who with this advantage destroyed the Moslem Fleet. The Rosary had triumphed.
We are facing today the same threat from the militant Islamists. Politicians hum and haw, but they have no understanding of what is going on. There is a battle going on between Good and Evil, which being nice, showing tolerance, etc, will never overcome. Only going back to Our Lady and the Rosary and engaging in this Spiritual Warfare can bring peace. If the Rosary is only seen as some extra for backward Catholics we will lose against the 'Principalities and Powers' as St Paul described our enemy. How I long to hear again in Catholic Schools young voices saying the Rosary of Mary every day. How I long for young crusaders full of the love of Mary living good and chaste lives and becoming responsible and loving parents in a true Christian Marriage. How I long for the wonderful processions when we evangelised the world by walking the streets singing praises to Jesus and Mary. It will happen again, just look for those Rosary Beads.
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