
Showing posts from August, 2016

Does the Church Value Children?

In my last post I was quoting from Mark and how the disciples scolded the parents who tried to push their children forward to be taught by Jesus, and how Jesus rebuked the disciples.   Jesus really really valued children.   But dos the Church of today value them? This lack of care really struck me during the Synod on the Family and the subsequent criticism of Amoris Laetitia.  Oner section of the Church was only interested in whether or not divorced and remarried people could go to Holy Communion and another section was upset by the thought that perhaps because the Pope asked priests to accompany the divorced and remarried to open the possibiity of a return it meant there was a conspiracy to change the teachings.  Yet the Pope spoke about this in relation to children.  I never read the document that way.  I was concerned about the suffering of children that I have often been derided for before the Synod and after the Synod.   But in all the discussio...

Mark 10: Was Jesus really being Judgemental and Lacking in Compassion.

The Evangelist Mark tells us that when Jesus came into Judaea he was met by certain Pharisees who asked him "is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?"  It would seem on the surface to be a reasonable question so why does Mark add 'They were putting him to the test'.  It is amazing how often we read the Bible and little phrases like that are never noticed.  It means of course they were trying to show Jesus in a bad light, they were trying to turn the crowd against him. Let us examine the background.   Divorce was introduced into Jewish Law by Moses.  The pharisees wanted Jesus to contradict the law and if he did so then they could say "See, this man is judgemental and lacking compassion, why do you listen to him"  It was clever.   But what a shock they got when Jesus replied, for not only was he bitterly opposed to divorce but he took their arguments of judgementalism and the lack of compassion and swept them aside.    "Moses allowed Divo...

Our Lady and the Rosary

In so many apparitions Our Lady has appeared with Rosary Beads.    She want us to say the Rosary and Catholics who love her and love the Church and know why she is asking do so.    So was it not a little odd that when the Reformers bullied their way through the Church in the 60's and 70's they despised such devotions.   It was obvious too that they despised Our Lady also as they rid themselves of her statues.   Apparently Our Lady was immature in spreading such devotions.   The trips to Lourdes continues in many Dioceses since it was just too hard to stop them.   They could pick and choose their catechists in the parishes who would swallow all their lies, but the sick were still being brought to Lourdes that was difficult so every year the bishop would continue their diocesan pilgrimages, taking their rosary out of the drawer before departure and putting them back on their return.   Of  course we do have bishops who remained faithful ...


Rimini) The   meeting organized in 2016  by the Catholic community  Communion and Liberation  (CL),  which has taken place has cast a  new interreligious shadow . [All of these linked articles are German, sorry.] The persecuted Christians of the Middle East "disturb" the desired climate. An Iraqi priest   witnessed the genocide  of the Christians in his home,which was made ​​bitter by experience that the West not only looks away, but - if it still has to listen again - responds unwillingly and with opposition. On the opening there was  a Marian Publisher   that had been prohibited from showing representations of Mary  "so as not to offend other religions." This meeting is of such importance that the Italian President and Prime Minister arrived in person. Italy left-Catholic president Sergio Mattarella, let it be known in his welcome address that it's not necessary for "all religions to be fundamentalist." But what does "all ...


Two sisters aged 16 went to a Party.  Their Father asked them to be home at 10pm and they both said they would.   When it was coming up to 10pm one of the girls said We must get home now"   The other said "No I am enjoying myself too much"  "But what will Father say?" came the reply.   "O we need not bother with Father he loves us too much to care what time we go home"  Well I am going because I love my Dad"   So one sister left and the other remained, drank too much and was raped. In being obedient to her father the first sister was safe.   In disobeying her father the second got hurt.   And look at the flippant way she took her fathers love for granted.    'As long as my Father loves me I can do what I like' was her attitude.   The obvious question is just how much she loved her father when she could behave in such a way. When asked what the greatest Commandment was Jesus replied "Thou shalt love the Lord your God with al...

There is only One God and Jesus is His Son.

As we pray our Rosaries let us reflect on the Truths of our Faith.   There is only One God and that One God contains three persons, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.   These three persons are not three Gods but the One and the same God.  It was this God in the person of Jesus Christ who was born as man, and suffered and died for our sins.   He shared in our Humanity so that we humans could share in His Divinity.  There is no other God like our God. The greatest enemy in our time is not just ecumenism but any Inter-Faith movements that would for example compare the Moslem God Allah to the God of the Christians.    There is no comparison between the two.   Our God is a God of Love, their God discriminates between those he loves and those he hates.  He is not a Father but a Master.    Through the Rosary we must pray for the people of Islam that they will be converted to the True God and become followers of Jesus C...


Standing guard at one of the pilgrim images of Our Lady of Guadalupe recently the words came into my head 'Why Do You Keep Me Waiting'   I reflected on my life and perhaps to Mother Mary I was a  disappointment.   Yes, I am very good at preaching to others what they should do but perhaps it was a cover so that my own failures would not be noticeable.   It is not difficult for me to acknowledge the many gifts that God has given me, but despite the urgings and movements inside my heart I fled from the responsibility of using them. But Mother Mary will not let me alone.  She is always prompting me.   She wants me to spread the Rosary.   I can almost hear her voice.   'You were taught as a child to love me and the Rosary, you know that the Rosary today is needed more than ever and young people especially need to learn the way to my heart'.    Mary knows that I know 'what more than ever' means.   For fourteen hundred years there has be...

OK Sidiq - prove your sincerity.

Sidiq Khan is now about to put  into law a silencing of criticism in the internet which he will describe as hate, and intolerance and nuisance.   It will of course further silence criticism of Islam.and many see this as his main objective.   Maybe they are wrong.   So let Sidiq prove it by bringing a prosecution against the Regents Park Mosque in London   You can see the evidence in a post I put up last week.

The Reformation

There are two things going on in the Church at the moment which is stretching the imagination.   On the one hand the Society of St Pius X is being wooed back into the mainstream Church.   At the same time the celebration of the Protestant Reformation is being hailed as a victory of Faith.    Indeed burning the candles at both ends is becoming a feature of the modern Church.    It is very difficult to call the German Church Catholic.  It is a failed Church with few people actually interested in attending except for the struggle of a few who have remained loyal to Rome.   The Church nevertpe less is kept alive by a state tax system which seems to pay on a declaration by the taxpayer that he is Catholic.  It is all ver confusing.   This has enabled German Bishops and their minions to gain power in Rome and direct the Church away from Catholicism to Ecumenism.    Indeed as Pope John Paul II said in his room "My power stops at that ...


Now let me first say there are Moslems living in this country who are peaceful.  They grew up in a fairly tolerant society where the desire for peace was part of the culture and can in no way be compared to militants in the Middle East.   They deserve our friendship and our support and THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE NOT GETTING.   Behind the wave of immigration from that region there are those who come as part of the Moslem Faith to destroy Europe as it is and turn it into a Moslem Caliphate.   This is clear from my former post concerning the Regents Park Mosque which claims to be moderate to those outside but is hardly so inside.   Yet you could show that video in the House of Commons and it would perhaps confuse but it would be so challenging to the minds of MP's who  profess tolerance to the point of madness that nothing would change. So what is happening to those ordinary peaceful Moslems?   Islam as taught by Saudi Arabia with all its murderous intents on...

Undercover Video Of Women At British Mosque Saying Kill Those Who Reject...



Credo of Christ’s faithful families: 1. We believe that marriage was created by God and raised by Christ to the dignity of a Sacrament for the baptized. Marriage is, of its nature, a bond between one man and one woman, freely entered, faithful, indissoluble, and open to life. 2. We believe that sexual intercourse is of its nature procreative and unitive, and exclusively reserved for marriage. 3. We believe that the unchaste misuse of sexual intercourse is radically harmful to body, soul and civilization. 4. We believe that due to our fallen nature we must safeguard chastity with custody of the eyes and modesty of dress and behaviour. 5. We believe that children have the right to be conceived in the loving union of a husband and wife. 6. We believe that parents, by virtue of their gift of life and love to their children, have the absolute primary right and non-renounceable duty to educate and protect them. 7. We believe that human life must be protected from the moment of...


IS POPE FRANCIS 'THE WISEST FOOL IN CHRISTENDOM?' Francis acknowledged that there are “violent persons of this religion [Islam],” immediately adding that “in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. Fundamentalists. We have them.” The Pope asserted moreover that he knows how Muslims think, and that deep down they desire peace and harmony just as Christians do. “I had a long conversation with the imam, the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar University, and I know how they think,” he said. “They seek peace, encounter.” “I do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence. This is not right or true,” he said. The Pope insisted that the Islamic State does not draw its ideology from the religion of Islam, but appeals rather to the emptiness of young people and a love for violence. “How many young people, how many young people of our Europe, whom we have left empty of ideals, who do not have work… they take drugs, alcohol, or go th...