THE FIFTH ARTICLE: He descended into Hell, the third day he rose again from the Dead.
What do you mean by the words ..he descended into hell...? By the words..he descended into hell.. I mean that Christ as soon as he was dead His blessed Soul went down into that part of Hell called Limbo.
What do you mean by Limbo? By Limbo I mean a plan of rest where the souls of the just who died before Christ were detained.
The Apostles Creed is said in many Catholic Churches on a Sunday. Yet just how many actually understand what they are professing. In fact ignorance of the Catholic Faith is so rife now that perhaps even priests would not be able to answer questions So how many even think about the words ..He descended into Hell. And if they understand just a little then the question is still to be asked why? We know that when Mary Magdalen recognised him he told her not to touch him since he had not yet ascended to the Father. Where had he been? He had one to Hell to continue talks with Abraham and Moses as at the Transfiguration.
Now let us get into theology. How could Christ be in Hell? Is hell not a place of torture and suffering and yet the souls of the just who died before Christ we are told were detained there. But we are reassured some way when we read that it was a part of that place called Limbo. Where were the flames, the devils, the pitchforks. The Catechisms is based on the teachings of the Council of Trent and despite the malicious information spread that there was physical fire, etc, as an attack on the Catholic Church Hell is presented here as a place without the beatific vision of God which brings such happiness. How those souls must have longed for the coming of the Messiah and Redeemer. Another very important point is the definition of Limbo itself. It is about the souls of the Just before Christ was crucified. There is no mention whatsoever about unbaptised babies. This was some argued theological point by theologians like Thomas Aquinas put forward in a personal way BUT AS THE CATECHISM BASED ON THE TEACHING OF THE COUNCI OF TRENT DEMONSTRATES THERE IS NO TEACHING ON THE FATE OF UNBAPTISED BABIES. So when it comes to the question of whether the Church changed its teachings recently on Limbo the answer is no it did change it teaching for it never taught that unbaptised babies went to Limbo in the first pace.
What do you mean by ..the third day he rose again from the dead? By the words .on the third day he rose again from the dead I mean that after Jesus had been dead and buried for part of three days he raised his blessed body to life again own the third day.
The crucial point to understand is that he raised his own body. Because he was the author of life he could bring life back not just to others but to his very self. He was the author of life. "If Christ be not risen then our faith is in vain" taught St Paul. But if all he taught was that we should learn to be good to one another, to hide ourselves in little communities of love, as even thieves and robbers do, what would be the point. No there was something beyond human reason in the Resurrection. The Son of God became man and suffered as man but remains as man through all eternity.
What do you mean by Limbo? By Limbo I mean a plan of rest where the souls of the just who died before Christ were detained.
The Apostles Creed is said in many Catholic Churches on a Sunday. Yet just how many actually understand what they are professing. In fact ignorance of the Catholic Faith is so rife now that perhaps even priests would not be able to answer questions So how many even think about the words ..He descended into Hell. And if they understand just a little then the question is still to be asked why? We know that when Mary Magdalen recognised him he told her not to touch him since he had not yet ascended to the Father. Where had he been? He had one to Hell to continue talks with Abraham and Moses as at the Transfiguration.
Now let us get into theology. How could Christ be in Hell? Is hell not a place of torture and suffering and yet the souls of the just who died before Christ we are told were detained there. But we are reassured some way when we read that it was a part of that place called Limbo. Where were the flames, the devils, the pitchforks. The Catechisms is based on the teachings of the Council of Trent and despite the malicious information spread that there was physical fire, etc, as an attack on the Catholic Church Hell is presented here as a place without the beatific vision of God which brings such happiness. How those souls must have longed for the coming of the Messiah and Redeemer. Another very important point is the definition of Limbo itself. It is about the souls of the Just before Christ was crucified. There is no mention whatsoever about unbaptised babies. This was some argued theological point by theologians like Thomas Aquinas put forward in a personal way BUT AS THE CATECHISM BASED ON THE TEACHING OF THE COUNCI OF TRENT DEMONSTRATES THERE IS NO TEACHING ON THE FATE OF UNBAPTISED BABIES. So when it comes to the question of whether the Church changed its teachings recently on Limbo the answer is no it did change it teaching for it never taught that unbaptised babies went to Limbo in the first pace.
What do you mean by ..the third day he rose again from the dead? By the words .on the third day he rose again from the dead I mean that after Jesus had been dead and buried for part of three days he raised his blessed body to life again own the third day.
The crucial point to understand is that he raised his own body. Because he was the author of life he could bring life back not just to others but to his very self. He was the author of life. "If Christ be not risen then our faith is in vain" taught St Paul. But if all he taught was that we should learn to be good to one another, to hide ourselves in little communities of love, as even thieves and robbers do, what would be the point. No there was something beyond human reason in the Resurrection. The Son of God became man and suffered as man but remains as man through all eternity.
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