Continuing the Articles of the Creed - ..and in Jesus Christ His only Son Our Lord..

..and in Jesus Christ, his only son Ourt Lord...    This seems to be a simple statement that everyone accepts .  Yet in the past 50 years there has risen the false prophets  who have shouted "Here is Christ"  by attacking his description as the Son of God and taking away his Authority.

Who is Jesus Christ?    Jesus Christ is God the Son made man for us.
Is Jesus Christ truly God?   Jesus Christ is truly God.
Why is Jesus Christ truly God?   Jesus Christ is truly God because He as one and the same nature with God the Father.
Was Jesus Christ always God?  Jesus Christ was always God born of the Father from all eternity.

Is Jesus Christ truly man?    Jesus Christ is truly man because he has the nature of man having a body and soul like ours.
Was Jesus Christ always man?    Jesus Christ was not always man   He has been man only from the time of his Incarnation.
What do you mean by the Incarnation?   I man by the Incarnation that God the Son took to himself the nature of man.  ....and the Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us....  Godpel of John.
Why was God the Son made man?   God the Son was made man to redeem us from sin and hell and to  teach us the way to Heaven.
Where is Jesus Christ?   As God Jesus Christ is everywhere, but as God made Man he is in Heaven and IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR.

In the early Church there was much debate about Jesus Christ.   Was he just a human being whom God had occupied, was he really the Son of God walking the earth, or was he just a great prophet who was being taught by God.  The answers in the Catechism took many years to establish since controversy after controversy was rife.   But the big question today is again the one that asks Who was Jesus Christ?   If he was truly God and came to bear witness to the truth why in the Church today are there those who so easily dismiss truth and speak little about the divinity of Christ?    If He truly was the Son of God why do they contradict him on marriage, on adultery, on abortion, on confession, on the need to be holy?   

The last part of the teaching was the question where is Jesus Christ.    If he is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament why do people so readily ignore Him.   They can visit a Church and go out again without so much a nod of the head.   Bishops and priests can put him in a corner out of the way since he is not so important after all.    As God Jesus Christ is everywhere so yes he its present in the community, in the Word of the Gospel, in the presence of the priest but to say his presence in the host is just spiritual is something behind my understanding.  Why would he be spiritually present in the bread?      Then of course if we are receiving Holy Communion and Jesus the Son of God is to be taken into our own body why are we so casual about the reception, ignoring confession and deeming ourselves worthy- what hypocrisy!   If he is present why are we not on our knees or as some Assyrian Churches practice, prostrate before Him.  Do we really believe in Jesus Christ.    


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