Penny Catechism - The Apostles Creed

What are the chief things that God has revealed?   The chief things that God has revealed are contained in the Apostles Creed.

I believe in God the Father almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth - and in Jesus Christ His only Son Our Lord - who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary - suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified, died and was buried - He descended into Hell, the third day he rose again from the dead - he ascended into heaven, and is is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty - from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead - I believe in the Holy Spirit - The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints - the forgiveness of sins - the resurrection of the Body - and life everlasting. Amen.

We often recite the above at Mass on Sunday, I have even recited it in a Protestant Church.   So it must be simple and straightforward since we do no hear today many sermons based around it.   The trouble with the Penny Catechism is that it gives a Catholic interpretation which is undesirable in this ecumenical age and suggesting from the 70's that we still clung to this idea of holding the truth.    Little wonder the modernists could not get rid of it quickly enough and even apologised and still do to Protestants. The Protestants see it as licking their bottoms.

But let us turn to the first article - 'I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.'   I would never have believed as a boy that such a simple statement like calling God 'Father" would be so attacked and mocked in the Catholic Church.     The feminist movement which did indeed clear up a great deal of discrimination against women looked on what they saw as inequality in the Christian Churches and decided to do something about it.   They stirred up agitation in many Christian denominations and many of them succumbed to this idea of human rights.   Now I have no objections to Woman Ministers in other Christian denominations I have known many and I like many but when it comes to the Catholic Church I draw the line.    We call our priests Father because he has been appointed by God the Father to act in His place and teach the things that His Son taught us.  As His Son said  "I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life"    As head of our family he offers 'in persona Christe' the Son of God to the Father in Sacrifice.   "From the rising of the sun until its setting my name is great among the gentiles and everywhere there is offered sacrifice, a spotless victim"   Malachi 11:11.   Indeed there is always a Mass being offered somewhere in the world - so the sacrifice is a constant offering to the Father.   The priest as a Father also reminds us of the nature of family and indeed should inspire us.

But along came the Feminists and in many Parishes the idea that God was mother was being almost enforced.   Then the priest was addressed by his first name without Father being added.   But in the Catholic Church there was one great stumbling block.  Mary was acknowledged as Mother and this devotion they could not overturn.   That is why there will never be women priests in the Catholic Church although modernists still try to confuse things and tell us they are winning.  No, Jesus himself taught us to pray "Our Father who art in heaven........."  So prayer to the Father will continue.

'Creator of Heaven and Earth'    Well a man called Dawkins certainly stirred things on this question.   He wrote a book attacking the concept of God which to even his surprise became a best seller.    I do not believe he believed in half the things he said but since it sold his books he refused to kill the goos that lay the golden egg.   Most scientists are now of the mind that the universe and all it contains are so complex that there just might be a Creator.



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