There is good news today for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. A Father Volpi, now deceased, had the order disbanded and its assets seized with the approval of the Vatican some time ago. There was a case about six months ago when the family of the religious superior took Father volpi to court. At a reconciliation meeting before the trial Fr Volpi to stop the court action agreed that he would confess to being mistaken so that the trial would not take place. Bloggers around the world found the story and their comments were so unsavoury to Fr Volpi that he decided to withdraw his agreement. This meant the trial would go ahead but between times Fr Volpi died. A court in Avellino has decided there was o wrong done and has ordered the property returned. Of course, this raises many questions about the kind of people who are now running the Vatican and it no longer is a question we can avoid out of humble respect. A Bishop Toso has now intervened from the Vatican on the Global Warming question admitting that the Church has not scientific position on the question and was merely probing the moral questions. This will be sad news for the clergy who having ignored encyclicals by the score in the past are now demanding obedience from Catholics since it suits their own Ideology rather than their Faith. Pope Francis himself, though faithful to Church teachings in all he says, though sometimes he says it badly, has a problem in sound judgement when it comes to political affairs and I suspect is too easily guided by the people around him, indeed some whom he himself has appointed,
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