In an 'important speech a few days ago the Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about measures to curb Muslim extremism.    He wanted Muslims to feel part of Britain and British 'Values'.
British values are something we are to be proud of according to Cameron and values that all immigrants should embrace.    Really?

In America Planned Parenthood has just been caught selling organs from unborn babies that come through the partial birth abortion procedure.   You know how that works the baby is allowed out of the womb and then strangled or perhaps left gasping for air until it finally dies.   That we have men and women doctors proud of what they do in this area is I suppose British values which we must embrace, for if we do not we are denying a woman her right to kill her baby, so sorry Foetus, and her right is a human right, just as important as any other right of any other group.   We do not of course let the public see the abortion procedure in case there is some misunderstanding that what looks like a baby, moves like a baby, and feels the pain of any other human, is actually what it looks like.  No, no, the advocates of indiscriminate abortions are good honest people just like in Germany the people who ran Belsen and Auschwitz were good decent people and at the time the German people would not allow themselves to think otherwise.
Homosexual marriage is another area of human values which Britains are proud of and indeed lead the world in implementing.   A marriage of a man and a man is equal in Britain to the marriage of a man and a woman and God help anyone who points out just how silly this is.  Or asks what love really is.

Following on from this it becomes obvious and a British value that any talk of a child having a right to their natural father and mother must be curbed to protect our values.  Parents of any sex can give a child the love they need to grow up mature.  OK so some of the children of gay parents are disagreeing but they are homophobic.

 Every teenager has a right to counselling without their parents knowledge and obtain the free contraceptives and condoms that lead them to practice sex before marriage so thatchy can enter marriage knowing what sex should feel like and divorce if necessary any partner who does not continue to satisfy them.   This is a British value.

And indeed in Britain we have children growing up with one natural parent and a partner or perhaps serial partners who are not.  They just love the inclusiveness of it all and do not regret losing a mother or father.  OK they have problems at school, they underachieve, a large number also go on to become single parents or divorced parents, but this freedom is what British values are all about.

Once the Moslems see that their religion has led them astray and that Mr Cameron is a decent chap and British values are the envy of the world they will never again move to extremism.   They may lose their Moslem Faith but what does Mr Cameron care?   After all he has tackled the issues, hasn't he?



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