Monsignor Vincenzio Paglia and the Spirit of Vatican II.
Monsinor Vincenzio Paglia is the President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. He is a man of mercy. One would expect honesty and integrity from such a man but not so. Speaking of an American gathering of the family he was asked about gay couples by journalists, he answered, not doubt triumphantly, that in the spirit of the recent 'Instrumentum Laboris' gay couple would be very welcome. It just so happens that the Instrumentum Laboris says absolutely nothing about gay marriage. So what is the Monsignor doing in stating this untruth. He and his fellow dissidents no doubt what to push it at the Synod and there is no better way to do this than mislead honest and trusting Catholics. And is the Monsignor merciful. If we turn to what Jesus said in Mark 10 then today Jesus is to worth listening to as far as the Monsignor is concerned. He showed no mercy he just stood and insulted the Jews among whom many would have been divorced and went alway feeling judged and belittled. But Marriage is something that Jesus did not want to fail. It is the very foundation of love, it is the school of love for both couples and children and without its 'Thy Kingdom come" can never be fulfilled. So yes, perhaps Jesus was lacking in mercy as far as the monsignor is concerned but Jesus knows more about human nature and how we humans go against the will of God than the Monsignor. Show Mercy Mosignr Vincenzo to the children who have been destroyed by divorce. The Spirit of Vatican II, that spirit of deceit and dishonesty which took the teachings of Christ and burned them in the fire of progress is alive and well and found too readily song the prelates in the Vatican.
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