The Cafeteria or the Feeding Tube? The Catholic Dilemma?
In Politics I was in my youth a Socialist. Later in life I became a Conservative and more recent joined the United Kingdom Independence Party. One of my sons calls me a right winger and according to all the pigeon holing that goes on and puts people in their place to be criticised I suppose I am. But the thing is I believe in Nationalisation of the Railways, in Nationalisation of the Energy Companies, and in Nationalisation of Water Companies. I also believe that 50 per cent of the houses built should be social housing. So in many ways I am very left of the mythical Centre of politics and in many ways very right of the mythical Centre. Perhaps it is because each and every issue is different to me and I am not drawn in to one side by ideology. In Church matters I find myself very much the same. OK, I bash the Spirit of Vatican II and all the bad things that have happened since but I an not overcritical to the extent that I am ...