Who Am I To Judge.
.In America they are selling the words of Pope Francis on T-shirts. .Who Am I To Judge. These are the words that endeared him to the world. Hans Kung, the National Catholic Reporter, and every Liberal in their dying agonies cried out "O yes, he is one of us". The Spirit of Vatican II was alive and well again as the Reformers danced around proclaiming the Pope instead of shouting "We do not need him" But as all things with the Spirit of Vatican II there seems to be some `misunderstanding`. What the Pope actually said was "Who am I to judge YOU, but the Church has a right to its teachings" In fact the Pope was stating what is a crucial point of Catholic teaching that although someone is doing wrong we have no right to judge them, only God knows their heart. The atheist hge was talking to admitted his replies were sometimes not quite what the Pope said and so I a positive that no Pope would say the Church has a right to its `opiniions`. But the Spirit of Vatican II will continue. It has never let the facts interfere with their spirit before. No doubt this will continue
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