Sex, Divorce, Homosexuality, Co-Habitation, Contraceptives - why was Jesus so wrong?

According to one compassionate Bishop the trouble with Jesus was that He had not Anthropological nor Psychologica insights.  So with this great difficulty he preached a lot of nonsense.   But single mothers, abortions, divorce and re-marriage, young people setting up home together outside marriage are all part of our `living experience` and justifies a new morality which the people demand.  Single mothers enjoy their state in life, divorced mothers are over the moon as they look forward to their next encounter, and although four out of five co-habitations end in bitterness it was a wonderful living experience.  And let us not rule out what a benefit abortion has become for so many young Catholics.  But there I go again totally lacking in the compassion of the new Xtians.   "But", the bishop cries "we need to give them pastoral care".  There is hardly a family that has not been affected by the true `life experience` of their divorced siblings, and the trouble is that many of these siblings are not as hypocritical as the people who run the Church and the parishes, and I am not talking just about clergy. They do not want to be shown compassion by people who in their own lives have refused to follow Jesus.  They know where Jesus stands on these issues.  They know that false compassion because of human weakness leads to imitation and their example will be followed by younger people deducing it is OK to remarry.  AND THEY KNOW THAT JESUS IS THEIR TRUTH, THEIR WAY, AND THEIR LIFE, and they want  the compassion of Christians who fit their  lives into the Church rather than Xtians who fit the Church into their lives.              


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