Third Question: Speaking Out

 The question on listening is very much linked with Speaking Out.   When you listen to someone speak you believe you have a right to answer.  But this is not necessary so, and often if you dare ask a question and get no answer, the message is often 'keep your opinions to yourself and shut up'.   I have had many experiences of this and have asked many questions of 'experts' sent by a bishop to build a New Church.   I have given the example in the training of Catechists in my last post.   I have spoken of a catechism put forward in Catholic Schools which did not mention the Flesh of Christ on the altar, and how the training for First Holy Communion omitted to tell children they were receiving Jesus.    The truth is of course that many clergy, including bishops, did not believe in the Real Presence.   To keep the priests popular these 'experts' were sent really to 'protect' the priests' and keep the parish happy.   After all they said nothing and could be on both sides at the same time.   I remember going to a meeting on Mary and was surprised to see the elite of the parish there.   There was a priest who stood there saying nothing, until I was attacked on the subject of false visionaries, and at the same time a woman shouted her Protestant view that teaching Mary was keeping the woman in the East suppressed.  I spluttered out "You are all stupid" and howls of shock filled the room.    I was a little sorry that I had said it, but events concerning my efforts to bring people to an event called 'Rosary on the Coast' proved I was right.   Among the modernists, those I mentioned before who never go to Confession, do not kneel for Communion, believe in the Real Presence, and stop those who do because it is their Church not a Church for backward Catholics.   The fury unleashed on me was unworthy of anyone who claimed to have a relationship with Jesus.   I gave talks on Mary and there were complaints, and an absolutely unbelievable attack on Mary herself when a neighbouring parish was told that they were not going to benefit from a free seat paid for by St Josephs, but would have to pay £10.    I reversed this since I was left in charge.   But to think that people would show such bigotry when they claimed to follow Jesus really saddened me.   It is thirty years since the ordinary parishioners voted for a Parish Council and as we see 'power corrupts' and as they feel they must not allow Catholics to run the parish, they are there in their positions to guide any priests.   Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  


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