10th Question: Forming ourselves in Synodality.
Looking outward in Synodality. What a mouthful. In many parishes the Catholics have been crushed over the years by groups of people from the Modernist days teaching the nonsense I have already revealed in former posts. Elections are not held so that a warning from earlier days could be fulfilled, "Do not let any incoming priests change the way the parish is". The modernist anti-catholics, are almost fanatical about this. I have related stories of their dishonesty which I witnessed or was involved in elsewhere. We now have the same group of people claiming to be experts on the covid outbreak, opening every window in the Church, bringing the temperature down to well under 60 degrees F. and caring little that they are breaking the law and really causing damage to the health of the people in the pew, especially the old. They now make the claim that they are dealing in facts and not opinion. What stupid people they are! So in order to take part in Synodality these people must be removed.
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