6th Question: Dialogue in Church and Society

 "ALL AUTHORITY is given to ME in heaven and on earth, go YOU THEREFORE to all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE  ALL I HAVE COMMANDED YOU, and behold I am with you all days, EVEN TO THE END OF THE WORLD".   Mathew 28.

The above scripture is all faithful Catholics have to know about Dialogue in Church and Society,   Jesus Christ, the Son of God, appeared on earth and gave the Church his authority to teach His truth and He would be with that Church always,  no matter how many false prophets arose and led astray 'even the elect'.

Jesus meant His Church to restore the world to what God had meant it to be, religiously, politically, and with a social structure of one type of family, "From the beginning God made them male and female and so a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife,   and they shall become one flesh, and what God has joined together let not man pull asunder"   To make marriage more secure, and make it something that a male and female would prepare for,  one of his teachings was "You have heard it said that you will not commit adultery, but I say to you that any man who looks at a woman to lust for her, has already committed adultery with her in his heart"   If there is indeed a dialogue with society on this, a male and female marriage, there is little evidence that many bishops and priests are siding with Christ.    If two young people want to have sex then they do no harm.  "The Church, meaning Jesus Christ or does it,  was wrong on this.   I have even heard priests say "God has made you the way you are", and this to young people.    They walk as blind men seeing not the number of girls who have been used and abused and are struggling on their own to raise children having been abandoned by their partners, or a passing boy who abused them.  They are unaware of so many young women struggling to give the their children what a two parent family can give.    They do not see the role of a father in a family.   They do not see the deprivation that many young people grow up in.   They do not see the psychological damage.   They have not yet grasped the fact that when the politicians talk about 'poor families', or young people out of control, they are mostly talking about single parent families.    Let me be clear, I have seen some wonderful mothers doing a wonderful job coping on their own, and they have my admiration, but this is not what God intended for the world, He did not 'make us the way we are'.

Now there is a dialogue between the Church and Society, but Society had already won because the Church, that is the Church of Jesus Christ, is silent, because it has abandoned Jesus Christ, and many heretics today appeal to the 'Holy Spirit', and give the teachings of Christ no thought whatsoever, as if the days of the teachings of Our Lord were now over. We are now more mature,   "Go you therefore and teach all nations...."   Should I add 'the Truth'?     How dare I say this in our ecumenical age.

The truth is that Society does not 'give a damn' for the teachings of the Catholic Church.   I could move on to abortion, the killing of a baby.   The gay life style.   Perhaps I should give the true teaching of the Church on this.   People who engage in the gay life style are beautiful people because they have been created by God and faithful Catholics by the nature of their faith look on them as all others with love, and do not judge them.   Nevertheless their form of sex comes under the heading of adultery.   Were I to speak hate to them, I would have to do the same to heterosexual adulterers.   Neither are putting God first.    Of course since in the Church there is so much hypocrisy on sex and a denial of the teachings of Christ it follows that sexual activity is separated from the teachings of Christ.   This has brought 'human sympathy' to the fore which has caused great problems within the Church.   In some dioceses in America homosexuals were invited into the priesthood which resulted in sexual abuse.  Some bishops covered up by sending the abuser to another parish and paying large sums of money to the victim.   A Cardinal McCarrick is in some kind of house arrest awaiting trial for his abuses.   But large sums of parishioners money goes on the defence of the abusers.   Now whereas in the normal population 80 per cent of abuse is on girls ad 20 per cent on boys, within the Catholic Church in America there it is 60 per cent boys and 40 per cent girls.   Last year in France it was much worse, within the Catholic Church it was 80 per cent boys and 20 per cent girls.    Am I saying that all gays are sex abusers, most certainly not, the majority of gays are good people, but the Church seems to attract the wrong ones.   Italy is now under the microscope and God knows what we will find there.   All this happens because the wrong leaders are 'opening' the Church to the world.   It is heresy to do so if we abandon Jesus.   


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