9th Question: Discerning and Deciding

 Discerning is a difficult word to describe.   But as far as Faith is concerned it has something to do with looking at an action which in itself looks harmless but in the context of its affect on others can be harmful indeed.

Let me give the example that Jesus Christ gave us.   Adultery is not a word we use too much.   "O what harm are they doing" is the response of the world.   But Jesus Christ condemned adultery.   We know from the Early Church the reply of St Justin to those who accused Christians of sex feasts telling them about the chastity that was part of the Christian Faith.   But then we have forgotten Jesus, and prefer to talk of the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity who has a different take on the teachings of Jesus.   Therefore there is no need for discernment in making our decision.    But were we to look at the bigger picture and how adultery affects society we would find that with false teachings in our schools, we have brought about the age of the single mother.    Babies are a burden to others and are killed in the womb,   Young children grow up without a father, which damages so many of the children, and there is a rising suicide rate among young people.    But I have spoken of this before and indeed Jesus taught us something quite different and chastity before marriage was the teaching of the Church frim the very beginning.    Jesus hated divorce, because it harmed the children, yes, but it was a breaking of a vow made by the husband and wife before God, and destroys what marriage is meant to be a loving unity between husband, wife and the children.   And this happens because there is no distinction between love and sex, and catholic children  are all part of a secular Church.   Have you noticed that the cry "The Church has it wrong on sex" is very loud, but few say "JESUS got it wrong on sex", it is very low, almost a whisper.   But nobody tries discernment.   The deciding factor is again who should help you to decide, the Pope, the Bishop, the priest or the parish committee.   In this one I would answer the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in scripture.   "If you love me keep my commandments", now who said that.    Perhaps then you are not  interested, because you have no love of Jesus,  you failed His test.

Discernment of the Blessed Sacrament is also something which requires some thought.   If it is the Body and Blood of Jesus, and if Jesus is God, and the Church from the very beginning consecrated bread and taught that it was the flesh of Jesus, again I refer you to St Ignatius of Antioch and Pope Clement, the third Pope after Peter, what does it matter whether the Early Church took it on the hand, of stood instead of kneeling to receive Jesus our very God, if I want to kneel and receive in the mouth without touching the sacred species, I have every right to do so.   I was never consulted nor allowed my say when long after Vatican II, this was introduced.    It was followed by the removal in many churches of the Tabernacle from the altar, with a rather bizarre excuse that the 'community' was the Body of Christ.  The bishops and priests who supported this, showed very little discernment on the Early Church and what the Eucharist meant to them.   There is not way that anyone can say that receiving in the hand or standing is the English way, because the English were given no chance to appeal the decision or even talk about the decision.   The altars were just knocked down, and any protests ignored.

So that is my take on Discernment. it is quite different from the likes of Germany who demand women priests, the blessing of gay marriage, that Jesus should also be ignored on divorce, indeed summing it up as far as the German Church is concerned Jesus should be ignored altogether.

On another subject I know a parish where a committee during this pandemic set itself the task of protecting the most vulnerable - the elderly.    They opened all the windows which were meant to be  opened in the summer to let the heat out.   They also opened both fire doors which faced each other..   The committee was most upset when one of the elderly a man of 84 complained during the winter that he was cold.   Some allowance was made for the old man, just an little but the old man was grateful, and did his best to co-operate with the committee.    Then he went into the Church one Sunday and the little concession was taken from him, and even from the altar in the bidding prayers we were asked to thank God that we are now  dealing with facts and not opinions.    So much for the care of the elderly.   If it is any help there are Health and Safety Regulations for Buildings used by the Public and the temperature should not fall below 67 degrees F


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