
Showing posts from February, 2022

10th Question: Forming ourselves in Synodality.

 Looking outward in Synodality.   What a mouthful.   In many parishes the Catholics have been crushed over the years by groups of people from the Modernist days teaching the nonsense I have already revealed in former posts.   Elections are not held so that a warning from earlier days could be fulfilled, "Do not let any incoming priests change the way the parish is".   The modernist anti-catholics, are almost fanatical about this.   I have related stories of their dishonesty which I witnessed or was involved in elsewhere.   We now have the same group of people claiming to be experts on the covid outbreak, opening every window in the Church, bringing the temperature down to well under 60 degrees F. and caring little that they are breaking the law and really causing damage to the health of the people in the pew, especially the old.   They now make the claim that they are dealing in facts and not opinion.  What ...

9th Question: Discerning and Deciding

 Discerning is a difficult word to describe.   But as far as Faith is concerned it has something to do with looking at an action which in itself looks harmless but in the context of its affect on others can be harmful indeed. Let me give the example that Jesus Christ gave us.   Adultery is not a word we use too much.   "O what harm are they doing" is the response of the world.   But Jesus Christ condemned adultery.   We know from the Early Church the reply of St Justin to those who accused Christians of sex feasts telling them about the chastity that was part of the Christian Faith.   But then we have forgotten Jesus, and prefer to talk of the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity who has a different take on the teachings of Jesus.   Therefore there is no need for discernment in making our decision.    But were we to look at the bigger picture and how adultery affects society we would find that with fa...

8th Question: Authority and Participation

 It seems to me that as I write this blog, having consulted the Bible, the Early Fathers, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, I am participating in the Authority of the Church, in so far as what I write is sound doctrine.    It is not my views I write, for if I dared to do so, in my pride I would probably mislead people into error.  I would be a false prophet.   In my last blog I quoted Matthew 28, that Christ would be with his Church always, and that His Church would speak with His authority.   Jesus also said "He that hears you, hears me, and he that despises you despises me"    So always, always, always, I bow to the Authority of the Church of Jesus Christ.   It is sad that those who contradict Jesus always say that they have the guidance of the Holy Spirit in doing so.   May I point out that I am not condemning Protestants here, I am specifically talking about Catholics, who bowing to the pressures of our So...

6th Question: Dialogue in Church and Society

 "ALL AUTHORITY is given to ME in heaven and on earth, go YOU THEREFORE to all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE  ALL I HAVE COMMANDED YOU, and behold I am with you all days, EVEN TO THE END OF THE WORLD".   Mathew 28. The above scripture is all faithful Catholics have to know about Dialogue in Church and Society,   Jesus Christ, the Son of God, appeared on earth and gave the Church his authority to teach His truth and He would be with that Church always,  no matter how many false prophets arose and led astray 'even the elect'. Jesus meant His Church to restore the world to what God had meant it to be, religiously, politically, and with a social structure of one type of family, "From the beginning God made them male and female and so a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife,   and they shall become one flesh, and what God has joined together let not man pull asunder...

5th Question: Co-responsibility in the Mission

 I did not attend any of the meetings organised by my parish.   I knew that if I spoke up on this particular topic I would gain no support from anyone.   O yes, some would agree, but they would, as they see it, be uncharitable to cause division and would continue to 'leave it to God'. I saw a wonderful sight in Church a couple of weeks ago.   A lady had gone to the altar to receive Communion, kneeling and on the tongue.    She had two small children on either side and both of them knelt with her.   She was teaching the children how to love  Jesus.    But why was she kneeling on the floor?   Why was there no kneeler for her and the children?    Many are now kneeling on the floor, but why is there no kneeler presented to them?   It all goes back to the 70's and 80's when our parish was turned upside down by anti-catholics who had discovered they had the Holy Spirit and were now in a positio...

4th Question: Celebrating

 Now this has been the major topic over the past 50 years.    There has been more deceit and dishonesty over that time on the Mass, than on any other subject.   It all started when the Bishops at Vatican II could not reach an agreement over what should be said in the vernacular and what should be said in Latin.   There was a major call from a minority, especially the German bishops, to use the vernacular of the local area, but no conclusion was reached.    However a couple of  years after the Council we were suddenly plunged by bullies in the Vatican and the deceit of bishops to use the vernacular and shamelessly told it was Vatican II.    Now let me say this, I do not care if the Mass is said in Latin, Greek, Hindu, or any other language.  I do not believe that God cares what language we use as long as we are sincere and love comes from our hearts as we acknowledge the Body and Blood of His Son and receive His flesh with ...

Third Question: Speaking Out

 The question on listening is very much linked with Speaking Out.   When you listen to someone speak you believe you have a right to answer.  But this is not necessary so, and often if you dare ask a question and get no answer, the message is often 'keep your opinions to yourself and shut up'.   I have had many experiences of this and have asked many questions of 'experts' sent by a bishop to build a New Church.   I have given the example in the training of Catechists in my last post.   I have spoken of a catechism put forward in Catholic Schools which did not mention the Flesh of Christ on the altar, and how the training for First Holy Communion omitted to tell children they were receiving Jesus.    The truth is of course that many clergy, including bishops, did not believe in the Real Presence.   To keep the priests popular these 'experts' were sent really to 'protect' the priests' and keep the parish happy.  ...