The Story of the Eucharist: Part 2
So I quoted the Bible in my last post. I put Malachi, John 6, and the Last Supper together to show how an impossible prophecy became a reality, but then I was guided by the Holy Spirit. Yet were this blog to be published and read by everyone, I am sure that many, also claiming to be guided by the Holy Spirit, would be ready to agree with me. There would certainly be 25,000 Protestant Sects ready to dismiss my findings, but I have no quarrel with my Protestant neighbours, they were not brought up in my faith and have never had the Catholic Faith taught to them. I have met many good Protestant people and I am sure I will meet them again in Heaven. I was brought up by teachers in my Catholic School who were very much under the influence of the Catechism of St Pius X, who taught that people who lived good lives and sought the truth were gifted by the Baptism of Desire whether they were Catholic or not and would find Heaven.
So whom do I quarrel with? I quarrel with Catholics who belittle their fellow Catholics for holding fast to the teachings of Jesus Chris,t which they have rejected. Who give no heed to Church tradition, and believe the Bible alone is their means of salvation. So when the Blessed Sacrament was taken away from the altars and put somewhere out of sight, they saw this as progress. When the altars rails were taken away to prevent people kneeling for Holy Communion they joyfully echoed the ridiculous remark that "The Sacred Species is not there to be adored" rather than what St John Paul II said "The Sacred Species is worthy of the Adoration due to God". Yes I know, there were good diocesan priests who assured them that they should not kneel. So why listen to me.
Let me tell you of the most shocking thing I experienced in this diocese. I often went to the Cathedral and on the main altar I looked up at the placement of chairs at the top step. What caught my attention was that the last chairs on either side were turned at right angles to the other chairs facing inwards. I thought about this and came to the conclusion after many visits that this turning in of the chairs was by design. I determined to find out what this design could mean and after much research I found the answer. It was the design of an organisation very much opposed to the Catholic Church, and I wondered if at times those chairs were used by that organisation. I would then go to the where the lamp showed where the presence of the Blessed Sacrament was, and found, yes, the Blessed Sacrament but no chairs to sit on nor kneelers to kneel on, just a cold stone floor. But then this was the Christian God, and not the God of many who sat on those chairs. But this insult was played out by 'priests' in many parishes, Christ was literally thrown aside, indeed even into other rooms, and the rather hollow remark was made that the 'people' were the 'Body of Christ'. As I said before, I have never come across such insults to the person of Jesus, and I pray fervently that those involved will be forgiven.
Jesus, have mercy on me and on all poor sinner.
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