My Gift of Tears
After my own parish Mass I went on Sunday to the National Shrine at Walsingham for the 12 o'clock stream. It was the first Sunday in May, so Mgr Armitage before Mass crowned the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham. He led us in the hymn 'Bring Flowers of the Rarest' while doing so. I was given again the 'gift of tears' and believe me it is a gift. For those of us whose concentration is mostly around self, or we still do not believe deeply enough, to be caught up in what others would call sentiment is not a bad thing. We do not want to cry, and we are not doing so from stimulus outside ourselves which are meant to take over our emotions. No we just catch a glimpse of our own unworthiness before what is beauty and truth. That is why I love Mary. She does not demand anything of me. Her only wish is to draw my attention to the beauty and truth of her son, Jesus, by telling me what He has done for her. For she is a creature just like me. But she was exalted and if I hang on to only her finger, I too will be exalted. Thank you, Mary, for my wonderful gift of tears.
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