Society and Sex.

The one thing that makes human beings different from the Animal World is that every human being has a need to be loved and feel loved.   God made us this way.  And when human beings feel unloved and unwanted they become up unstable and find substitutes in sex, drugs, self harming, and even suicide.   They begin to hate a world which apparently hates them.

It was to help us understand this that God made us male and female.    It was for this love in one another lives that marriage was instituted, in which a child would not just grow up feeling loved but experiencing the love between the father and the mother which teaches them what family love is about.   The caldron are safe, secure, and happy.

I was listening to a 'modern' psychologist on television.   The subject was two people who met ad married after knowing each other for just one week.   We could al disagree with this but the point she was making was that ti was too soon because they had to go through a 'lust period' before they reach a n amiable stage and are ready to marry.   Of course this was the done thin according to others.   In other words two young people meet in lust and settle down quickly to sex and it is only when the lust period is satisfactory that amiability comes about.  Aimability not love, that word is never mentioned..   It  was appalling but this is what the secular society is offering our young people.   We can of course now appreciate the relationships that break down outside of marriage, four out of five, and the mistake that was made when two people in the lust period still decided to get married and most end in divorce and broken children.   Sorry children must not be considered, they are tough and will get over it.    Then of course the lust period will bring abortions and a few adoptions, but broken relationships can also lead to children finding themselves in children homes, and it is a sobering thought that 70% of the victims who were being prostitutd in Rotherham came from children homes.   This is how a  society without God construct itself, after all  we are only animals.

Is this the kind of world God wants for us?


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