Divine Mercy Day of Prayer.
Advance notice! Divine Mercy Day of Prayer, invoking the intercession of Our Lady of Walsingham in Westminster Cathedral - Saturday 28th September 2019, from 9.30am to 4.30pm with Holy Mass at 10.30am. The day will be led by Bishop John Keenan of Diocese of Paisley and Fr. Dominic Allain, Pastoral Director of 'From Grief to Grace' among others. We will bring in prayer to the God of Mercy our anguish, burden of unspoken grief, horror & fury with regard to the sexual abuse crisis in the Church. We will pray for the wounded Body of Christ through prayer and reparation for the sins of sexual abuse in the Church. We will pray for the victims of such abuse and plead for God's Healing Mercy. Bishop John Keenan will lead the central Communal Act of Reparation. Fr. Dominic Allain will give two powerful talks. Fr. Dominic speaks as one who regularly leads Retreats to help heal those who have suffered such abuse. "From Grief to Grace" offers a five-day programme of spiritual and psychological healing for anyone who has suffered sexual, physical, emotional or spiritual abuse in childhood or adulthood, including those who are the victims of rape, incest or abuse by members of the clergy. This process is grounded in the Scriptures, the Sacraments and Prayer, enabling them to open their deepest wounds to the healing power of Christ the Divine Physician. One person recently said: "I will forever reap the blessings I received on the Grief to Grace Retreat." For the full programme of the day, please contact Antonia.
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