Confessiions of a Climate Change Denier, apparently no better than a Holocaust Denier

I am aged 81 and have been around then for some time.  I remember in Glasgow one summer in the 1940's there was a very warm summer and the tar on the pavements started to melt.   But it ended and next summer was a rainy one.  So because there is warm weather which is supposed to prove Climate Change I am not easily persuaded.    I remember a TV production about 6 maths ago where a ship was moored off one of the South Pacific low lying islands waiting it to be submerged by the sea as the Poles melted.   He had been there for 12 years.   This aroused my curiosity for I remembered that about 3 years ago the Antarctic Ice had expanded to level never recorded.  It was picked up when the Ice began to recede however to its former place and we were told the ice was melting at an alarming rate.   Everyone was of course telling me I was wrong, even the Pope.   So I always conceded that I could be and perhaps they just got one or two things wrong.   But I was talking about Climate Change  not so long ago and Carbon Dioxide was mentioned.    I then went back to my schoolboy science and the process of Photosynthesis.   Carbon Dioxide was not a pollutant and did not form  a Greenhouse gas, it was in the atmosphere just as oxygen is.

Yes,  suddenly on cue the media started talking about the plants absorbing carbon.   I was really interested.   Yes Carbon is absorbed by plants and the story went on that we should get rid of the cows in the fields and turn the fields over to agriculture.    And of course if we stopped eating meat we would not need cows.    I found this utterly pathetic.     However the BBC for about 5 seconds mentioned the Amazon Forests being destroyed and I was hopeful.   Would they actuality make a link?  Would they realise that if there was no plants to absorb carbon then there would be a shortage of Oxygen.  But then when you are caught up in saving mankind little facts fo not matter..   But no, it was dropped, we must get back to human beings being responsible.   The link between Carbon and Oxygen was put on a back burner.   I infuriated someone by calling this junk science, after all these Climate Change Scientists have given their lives to Science, and why has a former schoolboy who was not even good at science, taken it upon himself to dare criticise.    Well I like to see scientific predictions working out and if they are not working out as one cast as the equivalent of a holocaust denier I ask questions.    When All Gore first presented this in the House of Commons he said that the temperature would rise by 3 degrees by 2050 and we would all burn to death.   There was no rise in temperature but suddenly we were half way there, to patch up the flaw we were told that we must go back to the Industrial Revolution.    Now I do not know how temperatures were measured in the 1700's, especially jon a world basis, but nevertheless less these wee good men who had given their lives to science, so they must have had their way.    And did  you know that because of the non melting ice we now have too many polar bears.    But what is behind it all?

The answer was obvious to me - socialism.   I am not talking about the Labour Party of yesterday but the Labour and Socialist Party of today.   I used to listen to Fr Malachy Martin and his talk of socialist conspiracy, but I did not take him too seriously but I do now.    World Government is what socialists want which is why they do not want the UK out of the EU.   The bigger the Government then the easier it is to dictate to people what they should and should not do.   Then they can destroy capitalism and bring in their era of happiness where few people have rights but everyone has a duty to obey.   The sad thing is the Catholic Church is collaborating with the Socialist order.


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