Jesus and Mary. Their uniique relationship in the Blessed Sacrament
Recently I was asked to pray for a group before the Blessed Sacrament. At first I thought of all the useful things I would be doing in the group, and was tempted to say No. However the temptation did not last long. If I really believed that the Blessed Sacrament was the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, where else should I be. To argue would be to say that other things are more important than Jesus. For me that was impossible. So in humility I accepted.
There are many courses and programmes in the Church which do a great deal of talking about Jesus. This of course is as it should be. But how do you transfer the knowledge in your mind into your heart, for the heart is the seat of our love. Many struggle all their lives, and yet we have in the Catholic Church Jesus present to us in a very special way. The old catechism asked the question "Where is Jesus Christ?". OK, we have talked about Him, read about Him, but where is He?. The answer is "As God Jesus Christ is everywhere, but as God-made-Man He is in heaven and in the BLESSED SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR. Surely this is the pearl of great price a man found in a field and sold all is possessions to buy. This is the human Jesus whom the silent prayer in the Mass (Too Silent) shares in our humanity so that we can share in his Divinity. 'O Perfect Love, all love excelling". Yet how often do we tell others of this wondrous gift 'so far surpassing hope or thought' Indeed how seriously do we take it? How many times do I see Catholics coming into a Church for a meeting or other work yet never acknowledging this human Jesus either in entering or leaving, yet they are supposedly there for love of Him. But I am no saint and I too have done this so often, so if I seem to be judging on the matter I assure you that I condemn myself even more.
The Body of Jesus is a work both of the Father and Mary. All that is his Body came from Mary. Jesus was born of the pure body of Mary that was full of Grace. The early Fathers saw in this that Mary was the new Eve for the old Eve though born immaculate lost this though her disobedience to God, but Mary the new Eve brought forth a new people, a people apart, children of a new creation, a people who in living with the grace brought about by our salvation could rise again to be saints and a Holy People pleasing to God When we receive Holy Communion we are receiving the fruit of Mary in the Son of God. The New Adam and the New Eve. This is when we should be truly brothers and sisters in our new parents.
O Jesus and Mary I kneel as a child before you. Remove my pride in self and give me the grace always to reach out to you.
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