So What Kind of Society did Jesus Want?
Thre have been many years of struggle in the Church as she tried to conform the world to the teachings of Christ, for only in a world which conforms to the teachings of Christ can the Kingdom we ask for in the Our Father come to be. In the early years the Church was very successful in its message, yes it taught love, but that love was based on following His way, and his way started with the love of a man and a woman, the begetting of children into that loving relationship, and the children growing secure and safe, knowing love, and how to give love. Jesus was opposed to anything that broke down this basic family unit and his condemnation of divorce and adultery were part of His Way, the way forward for mankind. Two parents bonded to their children and allowing the children to experience their love and learn to love one another was the very foundation of His Way. So summing up Divorce is something that should be alien to Christians. As the Church has always taught when marching in Church you do so because you are welcoming God as part of your marriage. Just look around you and see what the break down of family life has cost our young people.
"We declare that everyone is born equal and endowed by their Creator with certain INALIENABLE rights, among which are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" This is what is declared in the American constitution and I would draw your attention especially in the natter of abortion to the word 'inalienable" What the Constitution is saying is that these rights come from our human nature. They cannot change as a HUMAN right because some court of law ha declared it so Every baby in the womb haws a right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" because this right comes from the God who made us. Many of these babies are being killed because of the so called 'sexual freedom of adults'. Men now believe that 'sex with a woman' is their right. After all it is the duty of the woman to protect herself. I was listening to a debate on pornographic films. Google was being attacked for now ensuring that these films were not open to children. It seemed a lofty ideal but there was so many difficulties getting in the way. The simple question as to why they should show them at a ll never entered the debate. Adults must be given whatever they want since apparently rapes and abuse do not come from showing adult films. What nonsense!
No, the Church in following Christ is pointing to a better world. Thy Kingdom come.
As a Church we took a step backwards when in the 60's and 70's voices were permitted to be raised in the Church which told us to forget the teachings of Jesus and 'get up to date', 'conform with the world', stop pretending 'you are the only ones with the truth', many of these have gone and answered to Jesus himself and many more will follow. Meanwhile listen to Jesus "If you love me, keep my commandments".
"We declare that everyone is born equal and endowed by their Creator with certain INALIENABLE rights, among which are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" This is what is declared in the American constitution and I would draw your attention especially in the natter of abortion to the word 'inalienable" What the Constitution is saying is that these rights come from our human nature. They cannot change as a HUMAN right because some court of law ha declared it so Every baby in the womb haws a right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" because this right comes from the God who made us. Many of these babies are being killed because of the so called 'sexual freedom of adults'. Men now believe that 'sex with a woman' is their right. After all it is the duty of the woman to protect herself. I was listening to a debate on pornographic films. Google was being attacked for now ensuring that these films were not open to children. It seemed a lofty ideal but there was so many difficulties getting in the way. The simple question as to why they should show them at a ll never entered the debate. Adults must be given whatever they want since apparently rapes and abuse do not come from showing adult films. What nonsense!
No, the Church in following Christ is pointing to a better world. Thy Kingdom come.
As a Church we took a step backwards when in the 60's and 70's voices were permitted to be raised in the Church which told us to forget the teachings of Jesus and 'get up to date', 'conform with the world', stop pretending 'you are the only ones with the truth', many of these have gone and answered to Jesus himself and many more will follow. Meanwhile listen to Jesus "If you love me, keep my commandments".
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