Starting tomorrow
there will be a Triduum of Prayer at St John's Cathedral, Portsmouth, for the cause of the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary. From 4th - 6th April the Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham from the Slipper Chappell will be present in the Cathedral. The days will be filled with prayers and devotions and talks on Our Lady of Walsingham. I am of a generation that was taught about the place of Mary in the Church. How she was prepared for the task of being the Mother of God made Man, and was approached by Gabriel so that her consent could be obtained. "Let it be done unto me according to Your will" she replied. And as Jesus grew into manhood she was there protecting him and guiding him, but knowing that when he began his mission it would be short and she would break her heart watching him die on the cross. When at the Council of Ephesus in the early Church to answer one of the many heresies about the nature and person of Jesus Mary was called the 'Mother of God" that is God Made Man, great processions walked through the streets and the love of Mary was poured out from human hearts joined no doubt by the Angels and Saints. Mary was the Queen of Heaven. for Jesus her son was the King, and in Jewish history it was the mother of the King who was acclaimed as Queen and sat at the King's right hand. Her task was to care for the poor and the needy. But most important of all she is our mother. She united the Father to humanity by giving birth to His Son. And since his death was the salvation of humankind, she is called co-redeemer for her part. Yes Jesus is the only advocate of the Father but Mary is the advocate of Jesus. Her whole life on earth was spent serving him and her whole life in heaven is still in.his service. Go to the Cathedral and meet Mary, she is waiting to lead you to her son.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
there will be a Triduum of Prayer at St John's Cathedral, Portsmouth, for the cause of the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary. From 4th - 6th April the Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham from the Slipper Chappell will be present in the Cathedral. The days will be filled with prayers and devotions and talks on Our Lady of Walsingham. I am of a generation that was taught about the place of Mary in the Church. How she was prepared for the task of being the Mother of God made Man, and was approached by Gabriel so that her consent could be obtained. "Let it be done unto me according to Your will" she replied. And as Jesus grew into manhood she was there protecting him and guiding him, but knowing that when he began his mission it would be short and she would break her heart watching him die on the cross. When at the Council of Ephesus in the early Church to answer one of the many heresies about the nature and person of Jesus Mary was called the 'Mother of God" that is God Made Man, great processions walked through the streets and the love of Mary was poured out from human hearts joined no doubt by the Angels and Saints. Mary was the Queen of Heaven. for Jesus her son was the King, and in Jewish history it was the mother of the King who was acclaimed as Queen and sat at the King's right hand. Her task was to care for the poor and the needy. But most important of all she is our mother. She united the Father to humanity by giving birth to His Son. And since his death was the salvation of humankind, she is called co-redeemer for her part. Yes Jesus is the only advocate of the Father but Mary is the advocate of Jesus. Her whole life on earth was spent serving him and her whole life in heaven is still in.his service. Go to the Cathedral and meet Mary, she is waiting to lead you to her son.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
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