Answering a Comment I received from an Unknown Source.
Catholicism is counterfeit Christianity and you are completely deceived, believing in "another jesus and another gospel" per 2 Cor 11:4, which will never save you. For example, Boniface VIII proclaimed (circa 1300) that it was, "altogether necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff". Or, Pope Clement VI..."No man...outside of the obedience of the Pope, can finally be saved". Face it: THAT IS A LIE. You can jump up and down, stand on your head in Macy's window and scream to the moon until you're blue in the face trying to convince us, but it will never be true. Salvation is believing in the merits of Christ alone, for, “there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). In fact, instead of saying that anyone not committed to the pope cannot be saved, Vatican 2 completely contradicts Boniface and Clement by saying, “The Church knows that she is joined in many ways to the baptized on My Mother Mary
Thank you for the above comment I can quite understand your anger at being told you are not a Catholic therefore you will never get to heaven. Yers, I know there are a minority of Catholics who believe this but this is not and never has been the teaching of the Catholic Church. In my Catholic School long before Vatican II I was taught about the Baptism of Desire that anyone who lived a good life and sought the truth would go to heaven.
But let me put this into the historical context that you have followed. The first council you mentioned was the Council of Florence. The King of France was threatening to withdraw the Catholic Church in France from its subjection to Rome. It was at this Council that the phrase was first used "Outside the Church there is no Salvation" It is worthwhile remembering that when this was said there had been no Reformation and no Protestant Church. So the King of France would only be withdrawing his people from the valid reception of the Sacraments. That "Outside the Church there is no Salvation" has been used and misused over the centuries. It was St Pius X who in a document told the people that if they believe Protestants cannot go to heaven they are very much mistaken. I do not believe that our God is like Allah who only cares for a few and damns the rest. Every person is created by a loving God.
You mentioned Vatican II as some kind of revolution in this matter. This as I have shown is not true, but those who were seeking a new Church used this phrase and I remember when asking a question being asked "Are you the only one who is going to Heaven". The blackening of the old Church was part of the Revolution.
On Mary, if you go through my blog you will find I have commented repeatedly on the role of Mary within the Church. Yes, she was born full of Grace, that weakness to sin which we call Original Sin had been removed at her conception for she was a new creation by God to be worthy of bearing and rearing His Son. She was the One person in his Life who was always there and the one person Jesus could turn to in his troubles. She shared his sufferings and was with him at the Cross with a sword piercing her heart as the Prophet Simeon had foretold. No one is closer to Jesus than Mary and I dare you to say otherwise. Do you believe that now they are in Heaven Mary means nothing to Jesus?
It is not just that Jesus loves Mary and Mary loves Jesus but they both love the beautiful creatures the Father has created. If I were to ask you to pray for me, would you really say "Don't be stupid you can only pray for yourself" I am sure you would say "Yes" and believe you had influence through your prayers with God. But surely this does not stop when you reach heaven? But when the Word Made Flesh has the flesh of Mary surely there can be no one closer to Jesus. That is why the intercession of Mary is so important to Catholics. We see her sitting on her throne beside Jesus hearing the petitions of the people. as mothers of Kings in the Old Testament diid.
Add to this her appearances at La Salette, Lourdes, and Fatima. A mother warning her children, for in the spiritual realm The Father through the Holy Spirit made her pregnant and our Brother Jesus was born. So we had a family and though Jesus we are all members of that family so we can truly say we are the Children of God and Mary is our Mother. I have found recently the power of Mary, and many many throughout the ages have found this also. That is the point of Mary of England. People feel a need not to turn just to;Jesus who would be our judge but rather turn to a Mother who never judges us but always wants to help us and will turn to Jesus to advocate for us. But here is the best answer to your question. In the Catholic Church we believe that the consecrated host is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and we have Adoration which is a liturgy where we kneel and adore this Jesus., The remarkable thing is that those with devotion to Mary are also the ones who mainly attend this Adoration. Indeed when it was being questioned it was the faith of those Catholics who kept it going. If we kneel in homage to Mary for what she did for us and yes, she deserves more reverence than any creature so Kings and peasants knelt in homagebut. that is not the same as kneeling in Adoration to our God. Mary was born a creature and is always a creature. Yes she is just a woman - but how wonderful that God should have raised her to such heights. Mary Queen of England pray for us.
This is just a brief answer on a blog but I hope i goes some way in helping you. See you in Heaven.
This is just a brief answer on a blog but I hope i goes some way in helping you. See you in Heaven.
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