Womanhood Comes Naturally but Manliness must be Learned.
I have just been reading an interesting article on the differences between Male and Female. From a Catholic perspective it was very instructive but I also in the fast few weeks have been interested in the attack by Feminists on Old White Men. Feminists have grown into an appalling resentment against how men of my generation treated women as sex objects and the Feminists are now claiming their rights to be treated as a real person. Sadly they do have something to resent for males did pursue sex without responsibility but many women, with the easy solution of contraception and abortion were only to eager for what is called consensual sex. They did not realise that this was causing a problem for themselves in that they were not helping men to develop their manhood.
So what do I mean by 'manhood'. Nature has made women in such a way that motherhood comes easy to them. It is exceptional for a woman to leave her children, for women have naturally a bond with their offspring that tells them to nourish and protect them. In males 'those who grow into manhood' develop this in their nature. You might say they learn to be a man and are taught by family or the community that they have three duties as a man. These three duties are to procreate, provide and protect the woman who has given birth to his child. The is nature's way. But what happens in a society where such duties are not recognised? A society where manhood no longer exists and men feel free to procreate without responsibility is one where marriage will quickly disappear for marriage is that bond demanded by a culture so the the man shows the responsibility of looking after the mother and child rather than the state. Now there may be good reasons why a couple cannot marry but it must be said that in every culture since time began there has been this bond of marriage which forced men into manhood.
Manhood is increasingly becoming rare in this country. Immature men are becoming predators and women are against their best judgment giving into men with not a shred of manhood in them. The feminists may shout loudly but they do not seem to understand the problem. That is why I keep to the teachings of Christ on Marriage. But I believe that the Catholic Church is failing its young. So many are growing up with one parent and there damage that is being done to the children emotionally and developmentally is being ignored. The Catholic Church must preach against Divorce like Jesus did and yes, show compassion for those who are tossed aside, but must not at the same time undermine Marriage by giving them the idea that Divorce is OK. Divorce hurts children just as much.
So what do I mean by 'manhood'. Nature has made women in such a way that motherhood comes easy to them. It is exceptional for a woman to leave her children, for women have naturally a bond with their offspring that tells them to nourish and protect them. In males 'those who grow into manhood' develop this in their nature. You might say they learn to be a man and are taught by family or the community that they have three duties as a man. These three duties are to procreate, provide and protect the woman who has given birth to his child. The is nature's way. But what happens in a society where such duties are not recognised? A society where manhood no longer exists and men feel free to procreate without responsibility is one where marriage will quickly disappear for marriage is that bond demanded by a culture so the the man shows the responsibility of looking after the mother and child rather than the state. Now there may be good reasons why a couple cannot marry but it must be said that in every culture since time began there has been this bond of marriage which forced men into manhood.
Manhood is increasingly becoming rare in this country. Immature men are becoming predators and women are against their best judgment giving into men with not a shred of manhood in them. The feminists may shout loudly but they do not seem to understand the problem. That is why I keep to the teachings of Christ on Marriage. But I believe that the Catholic Church is failing its young. So many are growing up with one parent and there damage that is being done to the children emotionally and developmentally is being ignored. The Catholic Church must preach against Divorce like Jesus did and yes, show compassion for those who are tossed aside, but must not at the same time undermine Marriage by giving them the idea that Divorce is OK. Divorce hurts children just as much.
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