The Question of Abortion.
Your words grieve me as a pro-life advocate, because it is impossible for pro-life citizens to counter the attacks of secular powers against human life if Catholic Church leaders give those in power the green light to “make difficult decisions on our behalf”, even when those decisions involved the destruction of innocent human life. I was born and raised in Estonia, where widespread abortion forms a part of the Communist legacy. Now living in the UK, it is deeply saddening to find leaders here, including faith leaders, freely accepting the ideas that have led to the killing of more unborn children in my home country than there are people living today. It is the attitude displayed in your letter which has allowed abortion to continue for 50 years in Britain. If our faith leaders fail to take an unequivocal stand in defence of the unborn and their families, how can we convince anyone else to take abortion seriously?
Perhaps your comments were made in the context of the recent Abort 67 campaign, in which graphic images of abortion were displayed. If so, you may have wished to apologise for the use of such methods within the pro-life movement, because you were concerned that it might detract from the Church’s witness to the reality of abortion. Graphic images of abortion are very disturbing and make us wish to distance ourselves from what we see. However, one must also ask what the real problem is: Showing the pictures or what those pictures show?
The above was an extract from a letter by a woman in the Isle of Manto a PRIEST who was supporting an abortion Bill there which would lead to abortion until birth. It is again the question of leadership that she rightly focuses on. If the leaders of the Catholic Church do nothing why should the state listen to Catholics? In Ireland the clergy are very much under scrutiny as to whether they are for Christ or against Him. Catholics have almost all the media against them, almost all politicians against them, do they also have to endure the fact that they also have all of the clergy against them? Perhaps this is the price we the laity will have to pay for allowing the clergy to destroy devotion to Mary, the mother of all these aborted children. For children of God they most certainly are.
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