My Mother Mary

I am Marian.   I believe the intercession of Mary with her Son Jesus is something very special in the Catholic Church.  I believed that when I was taught as a child and I believe this with a great more understanding as an adult.    I am not just being nostalgic for a bygone era, it is part of my Catholic :Faith.   I have witnessed what has happened to the Church in this country since the educationalists, the experts, the psychologists, the bishops and priests who put popularity with the people before popularity with God, and yes, even those who came into the Church to make it secular and unchristian, I have witnessed the results of their labour and my witnessing has made me ashamed..

Whatever happened to the Pearl of Great Price, or the Treasure in the Field that Jesus spoke of and which men would give everything to possess?   They seem to have found their way to the Rubbish Dump.    O yes the Church still calls us to charity and charitable works for our neighbour but somehow even in this we are no better than other religions or even the secular state.

The greatest failure is that the Church failed to preserve what Jesus asked the Church most to preserve - loving families.   Families should be the bricks which build the great edifice of the Church, for it is in the family that children should learn to love and be loved and grow up knowing they are children of God the Father and Mary is their Mother and Jesus is their brother in the spiritual realm.   That is why Jesus once said "Call no one Father for you have only one Father and He is in Heaven".   All families are subsidiary to the One great family of God.    But remember this that you cannot have a family without a Mother.

But what is so special about Mary?    God the Father had to choose someone special to be an earthly mother to his Son.   Could He entrust him to a sinner?    Could He make a sinner feel guilty for having such a Holy Son.?     Could He find someone with whom His son could share his sufferings even to the Cross.   It had to be a very unusual woman indeed.   But God made her special.  He removed the stain of Original Sin from her and from the moment of her Conception she was full of Grace..   Original Sin is not an actual sin, it is a weakness in our nature which attracts us to sin.   But Mary was conceived Immaculate, full of Grace and this meant she had a relationship with God that made her a saint even at her conception.   She was drawn to God from the moment of her existence.    But this special privilege gave her something else - humility.    She was a humble young girl and always thankful to God and when she was told she was to be God's Mother she cried out "My soul doth magnify the Lord and my Spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour, for He that is mighty has done great things......HE HAS PUT DOWN THE MIGHTY FROM THEIR SEAT AND EXALTED THE HUMBLE".     At Lourdes when she finally told Bernadette who she was she descended to stand with the crowd, identifying with them, and raising her hands to heaven in acknowledgment of what God had done for her, she said "I am the Immaculate Conception"

This then is our Mother Mary and what Son does not honour his Mother above all?    She is our advocate with Jesus, and she is rightly called the Co-Redeemer, not that any of her acts could redeem man from sin, but in the way that Redemption was worked by the Father without her co-operation the Word could Never have Become Flesh.     A priest once in criticising the devotion to Mary said "She is just a woman" to which I replied in my heart "Yes, isn't it wonderful,  God did so much for her so I am sure He can also do so much for me.  I will ask Mary to ask Jesus to help me"


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