The Secret of Mary is that she is a Mother to a loving Son.

One of the false teachings or perhaps just thoughtless teachings is that the relationship of Mary with Jesus is the same as the relationship he has with every other human.    There is nothing special about it, she is just a subject as the rest of us are subjects to the King.

But St Bridget heard Jesus say this to Mary "Mother you denied me nothing on earth, so how can I deny you anything in Heaven"   We need not question the accuracy of St Bridget in saying this for the   saying is exactly what we would expect between a Son and his Mother.    What loving mother would deny her children anything which would make them happy.    And all through his life Mary was there loving him as a child, encouraging him in his mission as an adult, and suffering with him at the foot of the Cross.      Her whole life was devoted to him.   Should we expect therefore that Jesus in heaven would cast aside his mother because somehow he was God again and had lost his humanity?   It is unthinkable.  

So Mary has a very special place beside Jesus.   But is there something he would deny her?   If a sinner calls for mercy, if a suffering soul  cries for help, would he tell her, "Mother I love you and I know you mean well,  but this is my business and they should come to me and not you"    I doubt however that he would be offended because they loved his mother.    It is that episode in the Gospel of the Marriage Feast of Cana again   Perhaps Jesus wanted more prayer and more perseverance from the penitent, but along comes his mother and he cannot hold out.   He can deny her nothing for he, as her son, loves her so much.


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