What kind of person was Mary, the Mother of Jesus?    I remember when feminists were sweeping the Church in England, she was presented as a woman who did nothing and that this do-nothing Mary was what the Church was presenting to women as a model.   Now there can be no doubt that Mary was a humble woman.    When Gabriel appeared to her she was troubled by his saying "Hail, full of grace..." and that she had found favour with God.   When she visited Elizabeth and the baby John lept in Elizabeth's womb she was told by her cousin "Who am I that I should be honoured by a visit from the Mother of my Lord?"   Yet again there was only humility in the answer Mary gave  "My soul doth magnify the Lord and my Spirit rejoices in God My Saviour  BECAUSE HE HAS LOOKED DOWN ON THE HUMILITY OF HIS SERVANT........."   Chosen to be the Mother of God what normal girl would not look upon herself as someone special and  be tempted to exalt herself.   After all was it not the dream of every Jewish girl to one day be the Mother of the Messiah.

So Jesus was born and a wonderful relationship grew between herself and her son.  But is this not the case in every family?   The son holds his mother in great esteem and an understanding and close relationship grows between them.   This relationship was seen at the Marriage in Cana.    We do not know why Mary knew they were running out of wine and the family would be shamed but somehow Mary learned what was happening and she had compassion for the bride and groom.   So she went to Jesus and simply said "They have no wine".   Notice she did not beg him, or plead with him, she simply told him.   But Jesus knew what was in her heart and rebelled a little.  "What has that to do with us, I am not ready yet for my ministry"  Not the exact words but what he meant.   Mary probably smiled at this but she knew her son would feel the same compassion as she felt .   AND SHE KNEW HER SON WOULD NOT REFUSE WHAT SHE HAD ASKED.   With the confidence of a mother then she went to the servants and told them "Do whatever he tells you"   And of course because his mother had asked Jesus got on with the job of working his first miracle and turning the water into wine.    Mary knew who her son was and that he could work miracles.   

Is it really then so difficult to believe that this relationship between Mary and Jesus, between mother and son  carried on when Mary was assumed into heaven.     A Cana Mary spoke up for the hosts at the feast and begged a favour of her son.   Do we not believe that she can also ask Jesus about our difficulties?  Can she not  mediate between us and Jesus as she did at Cana.   Why not?     The Church has for centuries believed that when Mary joins our prayers and turns to Jesus to say "They are in need", then Jesus as at Cana can refuse his mother nothing. One more thing.  At Lourdes Mary prayed the Rosary with Bernadette, and at Fatima she prayed the Rosary with the Children.l   So we do not so much pray to Mary, but rather we pray with Mary.


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