Why Can I Not Kneel for Communion?

Apparently the 'scholastic' magazine the Tablet has been attacking Bishop Egan and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate at Gosport.  There is a well written refutation of the accusations by  Ray Blake but I will put my thoughts around the subject of 'being forced to kneel for Communion' based on my personal experience.   I was at a meeting about a year ago when a lady from Gosport first raised the subject.  She complained that she was being 'forced to kneel for Communion' by the Friars and Bishop  Egan was behind it.   It turned out that she was a 'convert' and I do not know if she is the lady who was one of those making the complaint.   My past life flashed before me.   I remember the altar rails being pulled down in my parish since apparently this was the wish of Vatican II.  No kneeler was put in place for it was decided that everyone should stand and receive in the hand.  Was this the wish of the parishioners?  No, but  God help anyone who complained.   We were apparently all a happy community and anyone who complained was a devisive figure who had to be bullied into silence.  .   Of course the bishop of Portsmouth was  behind the New Church and I remember going to Portsmouth Cathedral and going to where the Blessed Sacrament chapel where I found there was no kneeler, no seat, and only the cold stone floor to kneel on.   Thus, the Bishop was demonstrating his utter contempt for traditional Catholics.    Getting back to he lady I did put forward the astonishing idea that people who wanted to kneel should be facilitated to do so, and people who wanted to stand should be able to stand.    And this is what is happening at Gosport but the 'mature' people, who probably ran the RCIA when this lady was received into the Church had probably lied to her about the position of the Church and dishonestly told  her it was Vatucab II,   I say dishonestly because the documents are there for them to consult but since they are 'leaders' they will not want to do so.

But let us get back to the Mass.   WE have established that the Mass as the Church teaches is the One Sacrifice of Calvary, it is not a repetition of Jesus offering himself constantly.   Jesus reaches out to our time to offer himself in our time for our sins.  And like the Jewish priests offering sacrifice the animal was offered and then as part of the sacrifice the people ate of it as their part in the offering.   But this sacrifice of Jesus was one that all Christians would offer and the physical change of Bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ enables us to do so.  It is not just the priest who offers Jesus, the community who bring forward the bread and wine, the work of their hands, also offer the sacrifice through the priests.  At no time was it ever believed that the priest on his own could change the bread and wine, we know that when the priest says the words of Consecration however the Holy Spirit acts and makes the change.   That seems simple and straightforward but you would be amazed at the things I have heard.   
So how should we receive this awesome sacrament, the mighty God who made us humbling Himself to become our food?   Why should I even answer such a question.  "Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof"  That is what I should be saying in my heart when the host is given to me.  Nothing else matters.


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