WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Let me make one serious point, there is a vast difference between following the mercy of Jesus and following the natural goodness of human nature. The latter may seem to be good and kind but it often lacks the vision of the whole situation. In the Catholic Church today we have priests and bishops consumed with this natural goodness and believe in the easy solution of just allowing people to do what they want they are doing their pastoral work. The latest on Amores Laetitia is that bishops in Atlantic Canada are now proposing to give the last rites to those who have decided to commit suicide or euthanasia. Yes they are, they claim, following the spirit of Pope Francis in the document. No use trying to tell them that actually by giving the last rites you are making euthanasia something desirable and pre[judging the position of God, they are actually behaving like God. But heck it is only these bishops other bishops have their points of view. Now I have spent my last few days reading that people who are questioning the Pope are heretics or dissidents and should be totally ignored. It seems that the Spirit of Vatican II has arisen again and anyone who disagrees with the bullies and Reformers are to be given a severe reprimand. And this all rises from four fCardinals asking a simple question. And it was a simple question with a yes or no ansswer. Does Amores Laeititia give permission for the divorce and remarried to receive Holy Communion? The grounds for asking this question arise in Matthew 19 when Jesus was so hostile to divorce and remarriage that he was so totally rigid in his teaching that the disciples felt that perhaps it would be better for a man not to marry at all. So modernist priests have more compassion than Jesus?. Perhaps that is why the teadhing of Jesus is never brought ino the matter. Modernists can write pages and pages on Marriage but never as much as mention the master. Of course there are others who never get a mention. Our children. Amores Laetitia had pages on the children but apparently the only people we should be concerned with are the adults. Perhaps if the bishops and priests promoting Communion for the Divorced and Remarried would look at the destruction of the young who grow up suffering from their parents failures they would get an inkling of just how bad divorce is and be ashamed that they have stood by and watched it destroying families. They are cosy with being seen as merciful but they have no mercy for the children, they have no vision of why Christ was against Divorce. May God forgive them. So where do you the reader stand. I am not addressing the Pope but it still is a simple Yes or No answer. May I speak to anyone reading this who is Divorced and Remarried. No offence is meant but Marriage is a very important subject and I know many of you did not willingly break your marriage vows. But your mission in the Church and I hope you still keep faith with the Church, is to help other young people find the happiness that perhaps you never had. There is so much you can do. But keep faithful to Christ and his teaching and help others to do so.


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