It seems it is all just a misunderstanding. It is just dissidents shouting about unimportant matters.
There seems last weekend to have been an assault on Cardinals and little people like me for daring to ask for clarity on the subject of the Divorce and Remarriage as taught in Amores Laetitia. At the Synod we know that there all kinds of games going on where those who were appointed to talk to the media were misleading the media in what was actually happening. There was actually little discussion the Synod members told us on the divorce and remarried yet in the media we could read that there was a cliff hanger of 50 to 50 on the subject. But then that was just another example of the Spirit of Vatican II still alive and well in the Church. It was not what the Bishops said it was what they meant to say.
For my part I read Amoris Laetitia with the knowledge that the contents were from the Synod of Bishops rather than the Pope himself. Thee was of course not mention whatsoever about the divorced and remarried receiving Holy Communion. What was mentioned was the Pastoral Are of those who were divorced and remarried and pastors were directed to journey with them until the matter was resolved. Now I know people in the Church who are divorced and remarried and do not receive Holy Communion but go for a blessing, on the other hand I know people who shout that the Church will not tell them what to do and do receive. That was not about to change I thought. But as I say the Spirit of Vatican II is still alive and well and certain bishops one being the Bishop of San Diego claimed that he could now allow the divorced and remarried to receive based on Amoris Laetitia. Now it seems to me a very valid point that Catholics in one diocese cannot be told they can receive and Catholics in another told they cannot receive. Four Cardinals wrote to the Pope about the confusion and asked him to clarify the issue. He did not do so. It should be obvious to anyone who thinks about the matter that any authority the Church claims from Jesus Christ, is it not amazing how little Jesus Christ is mentioned in Mathew 19 in all of this, that the Church will be in a crisis of Authority. Certainly we can ignore Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage and any other teaching he has given come just another Protestant Church which many in the Church seek. And do stop this nonsense about mercy. There are thousands of children from broken homes who are suffering and will have to suffer more because of the Spirit of Vatican II. As I said at the beginning thee is a whole section on children which is completely ignored Teachers and priests turn their eyes away from these children and pretend it has nothing to do with morals and divorce. Little wonder the Church is epty of young people.
For my part I read Amoris Laetitia with the knowledge that the contents were from the Synod of Bishops rather than the Pope himself. Thee was of course not mention whatsoever about the divorced and remarried receiving Holy Communion. What was mentioned was the Pastoral Are of those who were divorced and remarried and pastors were directed to journey with them until the matter was resolved. Now I know people in the Church who are divorced and remarried and do not receive Holy Communion but go for a blessing, on the other hand I know people who shout that the Church will not tell them what to do and do receive. That was not about to change I thought. But as I say the Spirit of Vatican II is still alive and well and certain bishops one being the Bishop of San Diego claimed that he could now allow the divorced and remarried to receive based on Amoris Laetitia. Now it seems to me a very valid point that Catholics in one diocese cannot be told they can receive and Catholics in another told they cannot receive. Four Cardinals wrote to the Pope about the confusion and asked him to clarify the issue. He did not do so. It should be obvious to anyone who thinks about the matter that any authority the Church claims from Jesus Christ, is it not amazing how little Jesus Christ is mentioned in Mathew 19 in all of this, that the Church will be in a crisis of Authority. Certainly we can ignore Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage and any other teaching he has given come just another Protestant Church which many in the Church seek. And do stop this nonsense about mercy. There are thousands of children from broken homes who are suffering and will have to suffer more because of the Spirit of Vatican II. As I said at the beginning thee is a whole section on children which is completely ignored Teachers and priests turn their eyes away from these children and pretend it has nothing to do with morals and divorce. Little wonder the Church is epty of young people.
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