The Holy Spirit .
Probably the most misused and misunderstood member of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. The Disciples were warned not to start their work after the Ascension until the Holy Spirit had come and turned their knowledge into a deep understanding of the truths behind their knowledge. For example as a child I learned in my Catechism - Where is jesus Christ and the answer was - As God Jesus Christ is everywhere but as God made man, he is in heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Well I understood this a little since everyone was receiving Holy Communion so reverently but the depth of my knowledge was not there. I had to grow in Faith so that I could look in wonder and kneel in Adoration as with Adulthood the full meaning became clear - "Behold I am with you always even till the end of the World" My teacher in this growth of Faith was the Holy Spirit, the Guardian and Teacher of Truth. Of course my last sentence is unfortunately a controvers...