Good Shepherd Sunday

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday.   The Gospel tells us of the occasion when Jesus told the disciples that he was the Good Shepherd who guided his sheep, and he knew his sheep and his sheep knew him.   It is a beautiful Gospel, and later Jesus was to say to Peter after his Resurrection "Feed my lambs" and "Feed my sheep".    Peter and his Apostles were to become the shepherds in his Church.  They were to show the love that he had for the sheep, and to guide them through the pastures of holiness.

It takes a great deal of humility in these days where pride abounds, to see ourselves as sheep.   Indeed it is pride and self-seeking that leads many astray, yet even these the Good Shepherd still loves any leaves the ninety nine behind to seek the one that is lost.   He never stops loving us.

Do not believe that the Church can survive without priests.   They are men who burden themselves with the care of others.   While the vocation of the laity is to raise a family and be part of the world, the priest seeks only the salvation of his flock, and guiding them in the building of this world of the Kingdom that Jesus died for, a Kingdom of Peace and Justice, for this he came into the world 'to bear witness to the truth', a world  built on the law of God rather than the whims of political fashions, and the evil desires of the flesh.

Yet today so many of the sheep are scattered.   So many of the shepherds are drawn by the teachings and values of the world rather than the Gospel of Christ, and in too many cases it is shepherds themselves who prefer the 'pride of maturity' to the humility of Jesus.   They have destroyed vocations among the young by false teachings.   Many vocations are lost by poor teachings in the schools and priests who should be devoted to the Blessed Sacrament but have turned their back on its meaning.    There was no time in the Church when bishops met to discuss what the Real Presence was.  The consecration and eating of the 'flesh of Jesus' was part of Christianity from that first day when the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit preached to the people in Jerusalem.    In the upper room, they had put together what Jesus had said about eating his flesh which had disgusted so many who left him.  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit they realised what Jesus had asked them to do at the Last Supper, and they remembered the prophecy of Malachi 1:10, "From the rising of the sun until its setting my name is great among the nations, and everywhere there is offered sacrifice, a spotless victim".   We call it the Mass, they called it 'the breaking of bread' since accusations that they ate the 'flesh of Christus' were soon spread by the Jews and Romans in disgust.    We have the condemnation of Ignatius of Antioch of certain Christians who did not eat the flesh because they did not believe it was the flesh of Jesus.   And we have in 96AD a remarkable letter from the third Pope after Peter called Clement to the Corinthians in which he condemned the Corinthians for replacing those men appointed to be elders by 'the Apostles and other Prominent men' who 'offered the sacrifices'.   Both these men were alive at the time of the Apostles.

Now let me deal with why so many priests are failing the people.   If  History shows that the belief in the Real Presence goes back to the Apostles why are they listening to false teachers and indeed spreading such teachings themselves?    The idea of moving the flesh of Jesus or the Real Presence of Jesus from the altar since the 'community' of Jesus is the Body of Christ  is totally beyond reason, and reflects just how little certain bishops and priests care for their flock.

So let me return to vocations.    If young people are not taught to love Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament then how can they go forward to the priesthood.    A priest who does not love the Blessed Sacrament can do little for his flock.    Yes, there is also teaching and preaching and the other sacraments, but without talking to the 'living Jesus', he can never achieve what God wants him to achieve.

A week ago some primary school children from the local Catholic School came to our parish for morning Mass.   They received communion reverently and it was a joy to watch when the teachers brought them out of their seats not onto the centre aisle but turning them round to face the tabernacle as they walked around the seats then up the central aisle then outside.    Certain teachers pointed to the tabernacle and explained what it was and some of those around them bowed their head and made the sign of the cross.    What?  Teachers who were explaining the Catholic Faith?     I remember when my children were at that school and a new catechism was introduced which had omitted any teaching on the Blessed Sacrament.    Then afterwards I spoke to the person leading the catechist preparing children for Holy Communion.    Did she mention the Real Presence?    The answer "No, they are too young to understand"   And so today, we know why we do not have enough priests"     But the schools are changing and I thank God for it.



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