Following THE Holy Spirit or an Unholy Spirit.

 Looking at the big picture probably when Christ announced the coming of the Holy Spirit to teach us all truth, then the Holy Spirit through the centuries has been a colossal failure.   Although in the Early Church they did have breakaway groups from the main Body of Churches in communion with Rome, the universal Church survived.  It is worth mentioning that the word Catholic came into being when Christian visitors came to a place they did not know, they would at first ask for the Christian Church but would often be directed to one of these heretical establishments.  This was overcome by using the word Catholic, in other words "I want the Church which is part of the large universal Church in communion with Rome".    But the serious 'failure', if I may be excused by the Holy Spirit, came with the Protestant Reformation, when taking Scripture put forward in 419 AD by the Catholic Church as the word of God to be read in Churches, they ignored the reason and authority of the Church in doing so, and started ignoring the history behind scripture, bringing into existence a new Church.  There are now at least 25,000 Protestant Churches throughout the world contradicting one another and all claiming to be guided by the Holy Spirit.   I remember listening to an 'expert' teaching our parish catechists who were preparing to teach our children in the 1980's, that after all 'nobody had the truth', she then added that this was the teaching of Vatican II.   So if the Protestants could not agree with one another and given up, then the Catholic Church must do likewise.   I remember objecting and stating Vatican II had said no such thing.   You could have heard a pin drop and the sneer came back, sneering has been perfected in dissident ranks, "So you are the only one going to Heaven".    I was never taught this nor do I believe it.

But let us journey on.     Does the Holy Spirit who was supposed to enlighten us on the teachings of Jesus Christ as part of the teaching Church, really exist.     Yes, the Spirit does exist, but is only present in those who accept the teachings of Jesus Christ, who spoke the truth the Holy Spirit has come to help us understand.   We know that Jesus was against divorce and a reading of Mathew 19 makes this clear, as does Mark 10, yet after two thousand years of teaching the Church has 'enemies' within who would attack this teaching and, it must be said, Jesus Himself.   Then in a Catechism of Christian Doctrine published in 1985, the Bishops of England in describing adultery invented the fact that such an act must be with a married person.    This gave Catholic Schools the right to promote condoms and destroy the innocence of Catholic children.   There was to be no mention of preparation for Marriage and chastity, and the morals of our young people were destroyed.   Little wonder they stopped coming to Church.  Yet people ignore the teachings of Jesus within the Church and pretend that by following the Holy Spirit they are as one with God.   This is an unHoly Spirit they are following.   Indeed at the catechist meeting I attended, at the end of the last session, one of the catechists shouted "The Church must change its teachings on Contraception, Abortion, and Divorce".    Another, who also taught in a Catholic school, looked at me and said "It is the Holy Spirit, John"    If I was an Inquisitor of the Middle Ages I would now say, "My case rests"


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