The Terrible Crime of Being a Faithful Catholic.
In the beginning God made them male and female. Every animal and every human being. I am saying God because I am not a Christian, I am a Catholic and I identify with the Church that goes back to the teachings of the Apostles, and has passed down those teachings for 2,000 years.
Now when I turn to the Early Church, I find the writings of the Early Fathers who all speak of the beauty in the teachings of Christ. And must I speak again of the beautiful letter of Justin, who told the pagans just how the early Christians were faithful in receiving the Flesh of Jesus, followed the commandments of Jesus in living chaste lives, and in being faithful to their marriage vows as Christ had taught. This was the Church that Christ had built for all time, and in which he promised he would live for all time.
Just think of how attractive that Church must have been. People completely devoted to Jesus, and living lives to be envied, and loving one another even to death. The children grew up contented in life because they had the love of a father and a mother as God intended. It was the perfect communion of human love, and they did not have to openly oppose, homosexuality, abortion, divorce, adultery, or any other vice. They had the perfect society, the way and the life, promised by Jesus Christ and the promise of Jesus that He would be with them for all time.
Now let us look at how the stewards of the Kingdom have followed Jesus today. The wheat has the cockel strangling it, wolves preach from the altars and guide the people, and those parents who want their children to grow in the love of God are despised. Apparently the teachings of Jesus were all wrong for this age, we only have to love one another, and build a community of love no matter what we believe. That wonderful Church of the early days has gone, and is no longer a treasure which anyone would desire. It attracts no one, and the vast majority of our young people just despise it.
My greatest hurt in the Church was not any insult offered me, for I have never deserted Jesus, it was at a teaching session for Catechists, which I was not meant to be at, and was very much resented. After a number of sessions which were 'travesties of the truth', a Parish Catechist stood up and said "The Church will have to change its teachings on abortion, contraception, and abortion" The nun who had taken the sessions, and was appointed by the then bishop, smiled, and another nun turned to me and said "It is the Holy Spirit". Then the catechists went off to teach our children. Little wonder that at Confirmation at the time few of the children turned up, and others were only there because their parents insisted, they were sick of this Church.
But what about the unborn. I am sick and tired of people and priests claiming that what we do does not contradict Jesus. About 5 per cent of abortions are done in very difficult circumstances on which I woud never judge the person, but 95 per cent are done by people, yes Catholics, who have no regard to the life created by God. They will agree that what the see is not a baby in the womb for it is not yet human. It is clear selfishness and self deception. In America we have the State of Texas declaring that at six weeks a baby has a beating heart and should not be aborted and they are being condemned by an American President who claims he is a Catholic but will quite happily kill a baby at birth. What chance has the Catholic Church of being taken seriously?
But we can only pray to Our Lady. What was that? Pray to Our Lady. From the earliest times she was known as the New Eve, the new mother of the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. You know her 'the Catholic Mary' to be distinguished from the darling of the Feminists Mary Magdalen, who apparently wrote her own Gospel which was discovered in the 19th century. Of course it was.
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