On Following Our Lord Jesus Christ.

 Far from holding incestuous orgies, Justin goes on to say, Christians rejected all sexual relations except in the context of a marriage ordered towards the begetting of children.    These marriages are exclusive and unto death.   Justin is here witnessing to the early Church prohibition on divorce and remarriage and he also boasts that lifelong chastity was highly prized in the Christian community.   Many people in their sixties and seventies who have been disciples of Christ from childhood retain their purity; and I am proud that I could point to such people in every nation".

Justin is really trying to impress the Pagans with the fact they are following Christ and are faithful to Christ  and his teachings.   Christianity is not an ideology but a way of life.   "I am the way, the truth and the life" said Jesus.   There are those in the Church who say the Church must update itself to the standards of the modern world.  They deceive us by not saying "Jesus Christ is out of date"   But of course they do not dare say this, so they use language to confuse us.   A look at the modern secular world shows us that poverty is caused by the breakdown of chastity and marriage.   That the determination in Catholic Schools not to mention this but build a society on values other than the values of Jesus, has lost us genertiions of young people.   Let us be clear on this one point.  the Chruch is not anti-gay, anti-divorce, anti-sex outside of marriage per se, it is rather pro-marriage, pro-chastity, and in following Christ we accept his teachings.    We cannot be for Christ and against HIm at the same time.   Jesus himself told us "He who is not for me, is AGAINST ME".    This does not mean that we are called by by Jesus, to hate Gays, to hate adulterers, to hate divorced people, but to be part of us they ust accept the teachings of Christ. 


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