On How The Cathedral Is Welcoming Everyone Back To Mass.
Did yo know that the parishioners at the Cathedral are not turned away from Mass on Sunday? When they turn up at the door, they are not asked their telephone number, test and trace is not longer used anywhere in this country, because the Vaccine has made it unnecessary, ad 80% of the country have been vaccinated and need not isolate. But that does not mean that you can just walk into the Cathedral. You are asked to give proof that you are vaccinated. Vaccinations have also meant that the distancing rule has been abolished and people can now come within a comfortable distance of one another. But if anyone at the Cathedral is uncomfortable at people being too close, they can put a card down on the seat beside them as if it was a place reserved for others. Handwashing is of course carried out before and after Mass. It seems to me a very good system meeting the advice of the Government and Health exp...