Who is willing to stand by Jesus?
We live in a world full of misery. People who claim to know best, are destroying young people in our Educational Establishments by giving them ideologies of how things should be done, and that they as the new educated elite must go into the world and shout down ordinary people who disagree with their dogmas. Alas it has all been done before, at the French Revolution, at the establishment of Communism in Russia, then in China, then Pol Pot in Cambodia, and Fidel Castro in Cuba. These were called Left Wing Governments, and the slaughter of 60 million anti-revolutionaries in Russia, 200 million in China, is not mentioned today, although a so called 'right wing' government which murdered 6 million Jews and 3 million Poles, a much lower score, was not allowed to call itself 'socialist' but 'right wing' and we now have a situation where everyone who disagrees with the Left is automatically called the Far Right.
Were this just a point of academic interest then I would not be writing this. But these Communists are the greatest threat to civilisation in all the history of the world. When you break through the cover up in the media, you find that America is almost in anarchy. The Black Lives Matter movement is a Left Wing organisation seeking power by controlling the streets and organising riots, Two women who have a known policy of defunding the police, have been appointed to the American Court of Justice, and we now have a policeman on trial and whether he is found guilty of innocent the BLM have riots organised. In the UK there is also a BLM movement against the police.
Now every action has a moral base. An action is either 'right' or 'wrong' and every action will either enhance the person or the social order, or will destroy both. But how will we know the difference?
Two thousand years ago a man was crucified in Jerusalem for claiming he was God. He had taught his disciples a moral way of behaviour, which he wanted them to spread throughout the world. It was very much based on humility and service of one person to another. The building brick to this was the family unit. He envisaged a unit where the husband and wife loved each other, where children were loved by the father and mother, and the children grew in the confidence that their parents loved each other and having experienced that love, they were to grow up and marry someone who loved them as much, and was devoted to marriage. Because this was his vision, he condemned divorce and anything else, such as adultery, which would prevent this vision being realised. His name was Jesus Christ. But surely this was an ideal? No, he offered to help this flourish through a community he founded which we call the Church, and in that Church people would learn to love Him so much they would want to be faithful to his wishes,
It was GK Chesterton who remarked that the difficulty with Christianity was that it has never been tried. Although in many parts of the Church there were those who remained faithful, in other parts the Church meant very little to people and they gave into their lusts and desires, hurting others, and not really living for God. The sexual revolution brought us into a mess. Contraceptive manufacturers boasted to women that they need not be pregnant as a result of sex, and they could be as lustful as the men. And so they invented 'sex without love' which destroyed love itself in the women, so that when pregnancy came, they sought to kill their unwanted and apparently 'unhuman' baby. Even in Catholic Schools the words and vision of Christ are rejected as they are also in many Catholic parishes. Are their bishops or priests anywhere, who are willing to face being unpopular, by taking up their cross and standing beside Christ.
Mother Mary, pray to Jesus for us.
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