Easter Sunday

 Easter Sunday.   This is the day when we remember that Jesus rose from the dead.   He is risen, Alleluia!.     I woke up this morning and jumped joyfully out of bed.   Now that in itself is almost a miracle.   But somehow I was in a happy mood.    I went to Church in a happy mood and I learned something new about myself.   God always gives his followers new  insights into themselves.   I decided that during Mass I would keep my happy mood, rather than try so hard to be humble, serious, in deep meditation, and trying to prove I was pious and holy.    I suddenly realised that Jesus did not mind.   In fact I did not let my thoughts drift off somewhere and miss the Consecration or some other part.   Some of you may understand.   You are listening to the Gospel and your mind wanders, then suddenly you are being pushed by  your family to go up and receive Holy Communion.   You are left wondering where you were for the past half hour.   

Perhaps it is just my age.   But the point is that I rejoiced at the Gospel, I thought how wonderful it was that Christ was offering Himself at the Consecration, and when I received Holy Communion It was just so wonderful.    But are we meant to be happy at Mass?   The Crucifixion was the most wonderful act of love in the human history.   God is telling us through this live memorial just how much he loves us through his Son Jesus Christ.   Of course we should be happy.   Yet as St Paul tod us "Unless Christ be risen, then our faith is in vain"   HIs followers lost faith in Him when Jesus was crucified.   "It was good while it lasted, but He is dead now, and after the heat is off we can go back to our fishing"    But Jesus came back from the dead and restored their faith.    O what silly people they were, so ignorant of scripture and prophecy, as the Lord told the two men on the way to Emmaus.

So now we have our Mass, the prophecy of Malachi has been fulfilled, and Jesus has not left us orphans but remains with us, as God made Man in the Blessed Sacrament, and he feeds us with life.   Is there in the Mass anything not to be happy about?    Yes, there was the suffering on the Cross, but Jesus really loved us so much that he willingly died on a Cross for us, and has no regrets.    There is so much thanks we have to show him.    But Jesus brings joy, he does nt want us to be miserable trying to be what we are not.    Every day as we love Him he draws us closer to Him.   Yes we may one day find the holiness and faith in us which will bring us that relationship where we can find the joy of the saints, but even then their humble devotion is one of joy.    Alleluia, He is Risen, that is all we need for now.   God Bless You.


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