The Evil of Conscience; Contraception was the Key.

Conscience was discussed by people like Thomas Aquinas and Carinal Newman as speculative theology, concerned with the question 'Could an individual who was living a good life and a practicing Catholic ever find themselves in a position where he was in disagreement with the Church and that his conscience was such the it justified this disagreement.  They agreed it was possible and perhaps in such circumstances he should follow his conscience.    No individual was named nor circumstances mentioned, for to disagree with the Christ and His Church was a very serious matter indeed, though the conscience of people outside the Church could be justified.    It was when the question of Contraception came to for in 1968 that the enemy within saw its chance.  Paul VI published the encyclical 'Humanae Vitae ' which continued to forbid contraception in the Church.    The 'educated elite' in the Church had assured Catholics that there was no problem, it would be changed.    But as I and many others who understood the Church maintained the Church cannot change a teaching which goes back to the time of the Apostles.  Yes there was contraception then, there always had been in he world.

Now this elite led the way to disagreement, but it would be wrong of me to say that the ruling did not bring hardship to many good Catholics among the laity, who were honest in their comments.       Priests found it very difficult in confessionals to put their minds at rest, so it was not surprise that attacks on other things Catholic became common, and we had a complete distortion of Vatican II, offered to us as the teachings of the Fathers of the Council.   Church attendances slumped.    

But if the laity had problems then the problems for the honest priest were worse.    "Why do you not try Birth Control" was an almost desperate answer.    But there was no safe method of Birth Control in existence at the time.     There was something called the Rhythm Method on offer but this had many problems.   It did not allow for sperm survival was one.    So Catholic couples turned to Contraception in defiance of the Church.   Like everything else the encyclical was attacked for its weak points but its strong points were ignored.  The sexual revolution had led the young into the joys of sexual pleasure and purity all but disappeared.   When contraception failed or was not used properly the girl was left pregnant and deserted and often in great distress turned to abortion clinics.   As Pope Paul had warned contraception would increase adultery and abortion, and the response of Catholic Schools was to start ensuring Catholic pupils who were as they said 'at risk' used contraceptives, and did not listen to a Church that they no longer listened to.   Having experienced a variety of sex, it became difficult for young people to marry for true love, and many lived in a sexual relationship with each other rather than a loving commitment to God.

Today there are safe and reliable birth control methods in the Church, and those who really want to follow Christ can avail of them.   The trouble is that contraception is a culture, that people find  difficulty in getting out of.   Allied to that is the determination of the enemy within to ensure such matters are not discussed and Catholics who spread Birth Control are not encouraged.     Yes, it does take a very positive love of God to practice Birth Control, to sacrifice self for Christ for such teachings are not understandable in the Church of today.    But someone must oppose the enemy, with prayer and sound teaching.        


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