Evangelisation: The Holy Spirit
..And in the Holy Spirit the Lord the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and Son is adored and glorified, He has Spoken through the Prophets....
"All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all Nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, AND TEACH THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THE COMMANDS I GAVE YOU, and look I am with you always, yes, to the end of the world"
Now when we look at what Christ said at the Ascension, and we look at how the Disciples were in the upper room before Easter waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit to set them on fire, do you not get the feeling that something has gone wrong? I mean Christ hated Divorce, but there are many christians who ignore this commandment while holding aloft the Bible as the Word of God. And when Jesus says, "Thou shall not kill" there are many Christians who say it is OK if it is a baby in the womb. And when Jesus says 'Thou shall not commit adultery" well many believe that is harsh and schools are only too eager to hand out condoms to young people who have yet to learn what life is about. In fact many christians lie and cheat and share all the other pleasures of society with only a notion of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and certainly this notion is not allowed to upset their lives. So they give to the poor from their access of wealth and think that is enough. Well, maybe that is why so many oppose me, I have this notion that the Holy Spirit did come down on the Church and protects her and keeps her in the Truth that Christ taught. The Paraclete keeps the Church One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. But then maybe I am just immature.
Then there are all those, at least 25,000 Christian sects and denominations. They were all inspired by the same Spirit to believe that what they belonged to was the one Church that was right and everybody else who believed in another Church was wrong. At least when the 'experts' came into my Church they announced that nobody had the truth. We all share different parts of it. Now that must have confused the Holy Spirit. Let us look at this reasonably - the Holy Sprit is not what people especially Jesus, claim He is. He leads people to quote different parts of the Bible with different meanings, and yet we are told He has spoken through the prophets. Now I know that almost everyone reading this will decide what I am writing is all trash, and for once I agree with almost everyone. The Holy Spirit only teaches what Christ taught and has confirmed the Catholic Church in His teachings through two thousand years, despite attack after attack from the enemy within.
When the Orthodox Church separated from Rome in the 7th century, there was an argument about the phrase fidelioque. The Holy Spirit, the Orthodox argued, did not proceed from the Father and the Son but was somehow different. I think that many people who quote the Holy Spirit do in some way believe this. They never openly condemn Jesus and his teachings but rely on a false testimony they claim comes from the Holy Spirit as some sort of proof. But the Holy Spirit is as much a person of the Holy Trinity as Jesus and the Father. He is not some worker in the background but as the Creed says 'with the Father and the son He is adored and glorified. He could never contradict them. What we need to do is to think more of the Holy Spirit as a person who is One in the Father and the Son, and will contradict neither, and just now and again instead of asking his guidance just kneel and worship Him.
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