The secular news at the moment is full of rise in suicides among young people, the rise in knifing crimes, the rise in drug addiction, and so many young girls, especially those who have been in care being used and abused sexually and becoming prostitutes. Of course on TV we have pundits trying to solve the problems, and any of them are sincere in what they say but there is just one thing that is never said and that is that the young people feel unloved and unwanted and society perhaps carries the blame.
But what is love ? How can we learn love? And how can we pass it on to others. Because society is focussed o the 'rights' of adults the rights of children are not taken into account. What does it matter if two adults with children decide to divorce, the children will get over it and after all the father will have access to them. As far as the adults are concerned it is OK then. Yes, the children will benefit from the love of a father when he takes them out, and they will benefit from the love of a mother, but what they will not benefit from is something much more important they will not benefit from experiencing the love of a father for a mother, and a mother for a father. This is when children first know what love is, the love their parents have for one another. And yet often parents behave like single people within the institution of marriage. The favourite reason for divorce is that they are always quarrelling in from of the children and it is not good for them My parents were always quarrelling and fighting and they almost separated, but had they done so I would not have told myself that this was good, it would have broken my heart. I was pleased that they remained together for my good. Far too many children today grow up without a father and sometimes a mother. They believe that they are the cause of the separation of their parents, and many go on, never having learned what love within marriage is about, to make disastrous choices, and become single mothers. There are those who are absolutely wonderful as they find love in their children and devote themselves to that love but so many others go through many bad relationships and never experience real love. Little wonder that Jesus was against divorce as we read in Matthew 19. Divorce was never the plan of God, and he wanted his followers to avoid it. He was not uttering an opinion which we could change, it was a command on his followers. But although many of his followers today cry "Lord, Lord" they refuse to listen to his teachings and do his will. Their victims are the young who fare now taught and encouraged in the ways of adultery.
Only a strong Church that does the will of our Father in Heaven can challenge the evils in our society, but alas too many have brought the evils of society into the Church.
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