Cardinal Nichols you can call on me to answer this bigotry,.
The inquiry will examine “the failure of those at the top of the church either to be able or willing to exercise any form of control or even refer allegations made to them directly to the relevant body,” he added.
He said that those who instruct him “take the view that the evidence so far presents a picture of the church as a clear and present danger to children as it is structurally organised.
“It is an organisation that is fundamentally structurally incapable of implementing minimum standards of child protection consistently and there is no evidence, in my submission, from the church that that is not the case.”
Cardinal Nichols can only answer the above state sponsored bigotry by by telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The use of the word 'children' shows the refusal of the members of the enquiry to look at what is really happening by the use of this word is telling. They are again using the word 'children' to escape the truth the it is not pedophiles that are committing these crimes, pedophiles indeed attack young children but now as in 2002 they want to avoid calling the abusers 'homosexual predators predators' as the secular Pennsylvania Court did, indeed this court pointed out that four out of five cases were on young boys under 18 and those who had entered puberty. Of course this does no credit to the Catholic Church whatsoever since even worse there was a cover up by bishops and the passing of these priests to other parishes to commit further crimes. The Pennsylvania Court was investigating 8 catholic diocese where they found 300 priests had been involved in assaulting over 1000 young people under 18. This investigation is on going but there is still to be seen a 'mea culpa' from the Universal Catholic Church.
But back to the enquiry, their biased statement, and their determination at all costs to avoid Political Correctness. One thing the Catholic Church is not full of is pedophiles. But let us examine the full findings of the Pennsylvaia Court. Offences against girls under 18 by men account for about 80% of rapes on girls in our society. On the other hand within the Catholic Church offences by men against boys accept for nearly 80% of the rapes. Will the Enquiry ask questions about this or just decide to ignore it and follow the more popular anti-catholic line of enquiry.
Political Correctness is their enemy. So let me help them. I am not claiming that all homosexuals are guilty of rape. There are homosexuals who get on with a decent life like everyone else, however the homosexual predators, and yes there are heterosexual predators, have found their way into the Catholic Church where they too easily have had a safe haven for their crimes. This is something that more and more Catholics are coming to terms with and more and more Catholics want the crime stopped. But when an Enquiry like this is set up the victims of this abominable crime of sexual abuse expect the truth to be told. And they expect this enquiry to have its facts assembled in relation to truth and not religious bigotry.
But there remains one question. Does the Cardinal and those who surround him also have th stomach to face up to the question of homosexuality in the Church.
But there remains one question. Does the Cardinal and those who surround him also have th stomach to face up to the question of homosexuality in the Church.
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