To Know God, to love God, and TO SERVE GOD.

In our midweek Masses we are reading the first letter of St Peter.    St Peter is encouraging the christians to hold fast to their faith  even though they are plagued with all sorts of trials so that when they come at last to Jesus their faith will have been tested and proven like gold, only more precious and they will surely find in the end that to which their Faith has been directing them - the salvation of their souls.

I wanted to make this clear in this blog.   We are not members of the Catholic Church just to do good works.  The point of being a Catholic is to save your soul.   Knowing and loving God should be the motive that brings us to good works.   There are many wonderful things done by Atheists in the field of Charity but these are motivated by the natural goodness that God infuses in the nature of everyone at their conception.   What I am talking about is exemplified by St Theresa of Calcutta who cared for the poor because they were the Body of Christ.   Her nuns spent part of their day in front of the Blessed Sacrament keeping the spiritual flame alive in them as they picked up diseased and dying people in the streets of Calcutta.   It was their love of God which flowed into their work and helped them see the chung Christ in every one of their patients.      Having said this let me not be interpreted as putting down those charitable people outside the Church.   We have wonderful examples of Christians giving their lives for Jesus which should make us ashamed but even in these people at was an insight into the love of God that gave them the courage and resolve.

What I am saying is that 'knowing, loving, and serving God' is a Trinity of Faith and we move towards the salvation we hope for in keeping faithful to all three.     We are not a Church of Do-goodes, and if someone says "Adultery deos not matter as long as you give to the poor" then that someone is mocking God and perhaps the cause of another losing his or her soul.

'And to be happy with Him forever in the nest'    That is the salvation our Faith is going towards, do not let pride nor prejudice cause you to lose your soul.  


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