For hundreds of years everyone knelt for Communion.   Then after Vatican II a strange thing happened.  The altar rails were broken down and everyone was compelled to stand,   Some tried to kneel but in many cases the priest refused to give them Communion, for this they were told was a decision of Vatican II.   Indeed bishops sent 'scholars' round the parishes to emphasise that in this 'New Church' we would stand 'as People of the Resurrection" who were worthy of the Body of Christ.     I remember visiting a parish in Rome where at the Offertory everyone stood through the Consecration  as the enlightened new people, while we foreigners knelt like 'children'.

I do not know if we have reached a stage in the Church where the truth of this can be discussed, for in the past anyone who objected to the wisdom and knowledge of bishops and priests in this matter were put down severely.    Who were they to question 'experts'.   They were just dismissed as divisive and people living in the past.    However the questions that the 'divisive people  living in the past' asked fifty years ago, are still being asked and remain unanswered.  Where in Vatican II was this permission given, it is not in any of the documents nor is there any teaching in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, nor is there any Synod or meeting of people in authority that said this could be done.    Let me put it another way.  Has the time come for those who swept away the altar rails and introduced this new teaching which can be found nowhere, has the time come for them to be honest?   Maybe not?    They will of course be very angry at someone questioning again a question which without their answering can only be concluded as a heresy introduced by people who wanted to downplay devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

Downplaying of the importance of the Blessed Sacrament led to the abandonment of devotion to Jesus in the Tabernacle and the eventual removal of the Tabernacle containing Jesus being removed from the altar and banished to the fringes of the Church - in a corner out of the way or even in another room.    Again has a 'divisive and living in the past Catholic' the right yet to question this appalling not heresy, but insult to the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Himself?.   Maybe the time has not yet come since many of those who introduced these changes still are not in a position to answer them, but one day it will happen.   The realisation that the Blessed Sacrament is not Holy Bread, nor is it a holy thing, it is the person of Jesus Christ Himself

The basis of the heresy comes from the idea that at Mass we are there solely as the People of the Resurrection.   Yes in the proper context we can be called the People of the Resurrection but not at Mass.   We attend Mass because we are sinners and Jesus tells us 'This is my Body GIVEN UP FOR YOU,  and again 'This is my blood of the New and Eternal Testament WHICH IS SHED FOR  YOU AND FOR MANY FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS'      And the sins are out sins, unless you have 'moved on' and feel you have no need for Confession, you have no need for forgiveness, and indeed you have no need for the Last Supper, so the sacrificial meal does not apply to you.   If this is indeed the case you will never be ready to answer any questions and you will find it very difficult at your Judgement.


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