
Showing posts from March, 2018

On the Question of Hell.

Hell is in the news because of something Pope Frances is alleged to have said.   Now Hell is a very unpopular subject.   Fire, Devils, pain and suffering it is all there.   We have Dante's Inferno with people suffering in different ways and it is all gruesome.    There is only one priest I have heard preach on Hell over the past forty year and he was denying its existence.   It is certainly not something we want to hear about. I remember the story of Monsgnor Ronald Knox who in his first Anglican Parish gave a sermon on Hell only to be warned by the elders afterwards that he must not speak of such things for people come to church to be comforted.   I know at school there was mention of Hell and there are cases where some teachers were forever talking about it but really it was never a major issue as the Reformers made it out to be.   I remember we had Parish retreats where missionary priests every night of a week would give talks on the many tea...

Discovering Walsingham.

Walsingham is a village in Norfolk.  Im 1061 a woman called Richeldis lived there and prayed to our Lady to let her do something special for her.  Our Lady asked her to build a house which was a replica of the home she had lived in through her early years, where the Angel Gabriel had told her she was to be the Mother of God.   Our Lady wanted this house built so that people would remember the wonderful event of the Annunciation.  The house was built and soon became a place of pilgrimage not just for the people of England but for people from all parts of Europe.  A Priory was built and the Augustinian monks took charge of the shrine.   In 1538 at the instructions of Henry VIII the shrine was destroyed and a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Walsingham was taken to London and destroyed. For three hundred and more years the ruined wall of the Priory stood and nearby the slipper chapel, where pilgrims cleaned their muddy boots before moving on, was used as a Po...

Two More Questions on the Catholic Faith

Indeed, Catholicism is a viperous theology that has bitten its members for far too long. Only the anti-venom of Scripture can cure her ills. But she refuses to take the antidote. We are flabbergasted that the laity refuse to wake up out of their spiritual coma and prefer to be lulled to sleep by all of the RCC's unbiblical doctrines! Let's take another example. The RCC has abrogated the original command to partake of BOTH bread and wine, and instead teach Jesus would be pleased we take either one!   WHAT?! NO WAY. They even teach that the Savior never even OBLIGATED us to consume both elements. Listen to the madness of the Council of Trent: "This holy synod, taught by the Holy Spirit...declares that lay people...are not obliged by any divine command to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist under both kinds, and that it can in no way be doubted without injury to faith that Communion under either kind is sufficient to them for salvation. For although Christ the Lord at his ...

Answering a Comment I received from an Unknown Source.

Catholicism is counterfeit Christianity and you are completely deceived, believing in "another jesus and another gospel" per 2 Cor 11:4, which will never save you. For example, Boniface VIII proclaimed (circa 1300) that it was, "altogether necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff". Or, Pope Clement VI..."No man...outside of the obedience of the Pope, can finally be saved". Face it: THAT IS A LIE. You can jump up and down, stand on your head in Macy's window and scream to the moon until you're blue in the face trying to convince us, but it will never be true. Salvation is believing in the merits of Christ alone, for, “there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). In fact, instead of saying that anyone not committed to the pope cannot be saved, Vatican 2 completely contradicts Boniface and Clement by saying, “The ...

Mary of England

This is badly sung but it is a hymn recently composed to remind us that England was once Mary's Dowry.    And it also tells us she was not just 'highly favoured'  but  Full of Grace Mary of England, honoured was your name When first the Saxons to  our Island came Kings knelt in homage, peasants sang their praise O how they loved you in those bygone days. Through fields and woodland pilgrims made their way Angelus Bells rang, people bowed to pray This was your Dowry, your beautiful place Mary of England, Hail Full of Grace Mary of England, come to us once more Shine brightly on us as you did before Gather your children, lost and torn apart Keep us together in  your loving heart When we are weary and our strength has gone Your smile from Heaven helps us carry on O how we long for a Mother's embrace Mary of England, Hail full of Grace. Mary of England as we sing our praise Hilltops and Valleys echo our Aves Birds sing their love song...

Womanhood Comes Naturally but Manliness must be Learned.

I have just been reading an interesting article on the differences between Male and Female.   From a Catholic perspective it was very instructive but I also in the fast few weeks have been interested in the attack by Feminists on Old White Men.   Feminists have grown into an appalling resentment against how men of my generation treated women as sex objects and the Feminists are now claiming their rights to be treated as a real person.   Sadly they do have something to resent for males did pursue sex without responsibility but many women, with the easy solution of contraception and abortion were only to eager for what is called consensual sex.   They did not realise that this was causing a problem for themselves in that they were not helping men to develop their manhood. So what do I mean by 'manhood'.      Nature has made women in such a way that motherhood comes easy to them.   It  is exceptional for a woman to leave her children, for wome...

My Mother Mary

I am Marian.   I believe the intercession of Mary with her Son Jesus is something very special in the Catholic Church.  I believed that when I was taught as a child and I believe this with a great more understanding as an adult.    I am not just being nostalgic for a bygone era, it is part of my Catholic :Faith.   I have witnessed what has happened to the Church in this country since the educationalists, the experts, the psychologists, the bishops and priests who put popularity with the people before popularity with God, and yes, even those who came into the Church to make it secular and unchristian, I have witnessed the results of their labour and my witnessing has made me ashamed.. Whatever happened to the Pearl of Great Price, or the Treasure in the Field that Jesus spoke of and which men would give everything to possess?   They seem to have found their way to the Rubbish Dump.    O yes the Church still calls us to charity and charitable work...

The Question of Abortion.

Your words grieve me as a pro-life advocate, because it is impossible for pro-life citizens to counter the attacks of secular powers against human life if Catholic Church leaders give those in power the green light to “make difficult decisions on our behalf”, even when those decisions involved the destruction of innocent human life. I was born and raised in Estonia, where widespread abortion forms a part of the Communist legacy. Now living in the UK, it is deeply saddening to find leaders here, including faith leaders, freely accepting the ideas that have led to the killing of more unborn children in my home country than there are people living today. It is the attitude displayed in your letter which has allowed abortion to continue for 50 years in Britain. If our faith leaders fail to take an unequivocal stand in defence of the unborn and their families, how can we convince anyone else to take abortion seriously?  Perhaps your comments were made in the context of the recen...

Blindness to Mary.

I am always amazed when in the Gospel Readings the Pharisees complain about Jesus healing on the Sabbath.  Their minds are so set on their own rules and philosophies that they actually dismiss the miracles because they do not concur with their intellectual positions. Now that is often the case with intellectual people  Their pride in their learning often leads them to a narrow thinking that stops them seeing the obvious.    Ordinary people with minds accustomed to the everyday things find no difficulty in accepting miracles.     Perhaps that is why Jesus did not look for the educated to be his first disciples but ordinary fishermen.    Now take the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima and the rejection of Devotion to Mary in the seventies.     That the Miracle happened is beyond dispute, that she called for Catholics to say the Rosary cannot be questioned, and yet because of an intellectual alignment with a New Church of Ecumenism devotion to ...


A young man of 23 who is to attend the Vatican Youth Synod has asked a question which I have been asking for 40 years.  Why are young people leaving the Church in droves?   Of course,like myself he will get next to no replies because it is a question the Church in the UK does not like to be asked, so it pretends the question need not be answered.   Perhaps there may be a slight nod of the head "Ah, yes, it is the terrible society we live in"   "Well you see, marriage and morals have broken down in society and we cannot really reach the young" The above answers are of course  said nicely but it is usually from priests and bishops who are trying to escape their responsibility.    Here is the answer they should give.   Well the Church does not want to teach a morality that young people would be in conflict with, so we do not want to lose them by giving them the morality that Jesus taught.  It is more grown up and nicer that way. Of course if...


THE BATTLE FOR THE LIFE OF A CHILID LIKE THIS IS NOW STARTING IN IRELAND. There will be a vote there in May to decide whether a mother can kill the baby she never wanted or whether she is morally bound to conceive. Now as a man I admit it is easy for me. i do not have to face cup to the consequences of being pregnant with no man or husband supporting me. I will not be a woman facing the prospect of losing a life that I have planned for myself because I was brought up i n a world where men want sex and women are expected to provide it. It must be a very painful and heart breaking dilemma. . But I do hope one thing, if I was in trouble I would go to people who would give me support and love and help me out of the situation. You are free to listen and hypo are free to leave. Do not listen to the voices of those who will tell you that you will not regret killing your baby, you will. I know of women who keep the date of their abortion in mind and every year look back ib regret. Especiall...