I read this once on a Facebook page.   Two cousins in their early teens were discussing the existence of God.   One was very scientific and explained that she could not imagine any other reasons for the existence of anything, the world, the flowers, the trees, etc.    The other one listened and then replied  "If there was a God, them my family would not be in such a mess"    The girl had no father, nobody who came home to a little princess and cuddled her and made her feel the luckiest girl in the world.   Her mother was a single Mum who had also been abandoned by her father and did her best in the circumstances but they were a poor family.   And yet her family is no exception and the girl is no exception.

I wonder where leftwing politicians would be without them.    You have heard the howls from them about all those thousands of children living in Britain in a state of poverty.    And yes, they have their support in the Church as well meaning people shout out against the vicious party in power who do nothing to help, but the truth is that such poverty is the  creation of the secular state and the failure of the Church and the Catholic Church in particular

But it is not just single mothers we must look at.    It is the appalling record of divorce and the record of Catholic marriage breakup is no different from the population.   We set no record, se set no example.   Yes, we can sympathise with this young girl, the poor little thing, but we cannot feel her pain.     I remember once Catholic teacher being honest enough to admit they were losing the vast majority of children in Catholic Schools.    From my experience this is rare indeed because Catholic Schools are described as doing a wonderful job by bishops and priests who are the last in the world to even look at my Facebook friend.    And that is the problem.   The cannot admit that adultery and yes, the distribution of contraception in Catholic Schools has led to the breakdown of family life.    They approve of sex outside marriage, they approve of divorce, they give blessings to second marriages and the devastating effect on the children they totally ignore.    If 50% of children in Catholic schools come from broken or single parent homes  THEN THEY ARE HURTING.   And lest this be twisted let me say this is not a condemnation of the single parents, many of them as I said have also been victims and many do  admirable job at bringing up their children, but many because of their own hurt fail very badly.    God made them male and female for a purpose.

So you have been reading my miserable experience and wisdom on the subject but if we are a Christian we are claiming to follow the teachings of Christ  and does he have anything to say that would back me up.    Do you remember the story of the woman taken in Adultery.   I have heard many strange interpretations of this story by the 'experts' but the truth is that a compassionate Jesus said to the woman "I have forgiven you,  GO AND SIN NO MORE".       He did not say, it is OK you are only human so  I do not mind.   He did mind.   Do not believe that compassion means approval.     But the greatest hypocrisy of all is the utter hypocrisy on marriage shared by lay people, priests, and bishops. and because of the hurt they have caused so many children I am tempted to name them.  But they know who they are.    In Matthew 19 when Jesus talks on Divorce and Remarriage he is unyielding and uncompromising.   He must have offended many in the crowd indeed the disciples themselves were severely shaken.    If marriage they say was to be so rigid and uncompromising then it would be better not to marry.      How can anyone in the present day read the words of Jesus and then decide within themselves "It is OK, I am following my conscience.  Jesus will understand.   No, Jesus will not.   And neither do our millions of young people betrayed by society and the Church.   If ou are divorced your duty is still to keep true to your marriage vows and give witness to your love of Jesus and His teachings.    It will be a Cross yes, but you will be caring it for my little friend on Facebook.


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